

CGS Event: Approaches to Translation and Translators’ Visibility: Gender and Border-Crossing

CGS Event: Approaches to Translation and Translators' Visibility: Gender and Border-Crossing Date &a... more

Gender & Sexuality Studies Major Thesis Presentation Day


Gender & Sexuality Studies Major Thesis Presentation Day

Date: Friday 28th February, 14:30-16:30 Venue: Group Learning Area, The Othmer Library (The 1st floo... more

【CGS Special Lecture】MARINA LISA KOMIYA “Exploring new methods of reproduction through contemporary art”


【CGS Special Lecture】MARINA LISA KOMIYA “Exploring new methods of reproduction through contemporary art”

CGS Special Lecture “Exploring new methods of reproduction through contemporary art” MARINA LISA KO... more


2/14 Queering “Valentine’s Day” (?)

Queering “Valentine’s Day” (?) Let’s talk about the norms and the representations of “happiness” for... more

Rainbow Reunion will be held on Sat 22nd February


Rainbow Reunion will be held on Sat 22nd February

Rainbow Reunion will be held on Saturday 22nd February. For the history of Rainbow Reunion, please s... more

CGS Lecture


CGS Lecture "Art and Society in the United States during the AIDS crisis"

"Art and Society in the United States during the AIDS crisis" Oka Shunichiro  RIA at CGS, Ph.D cand... more

Rage and Resilience, a queer/feminist reading group


Rage and Resilience, a queer/feminist reading group

CGS will be holding a reading group on the topic of rage as power. In times of uncertainty, marke... more

Sat. 26th October, Lecture by Iseri Makiko, Queer Negativity, Crip Negativity: The Trajectories of Feminist/Queer Disability Studies (Questioning the Disciplinary


Sat. 26th October, Lecture by Iseri Makiko, Queer Negativity, Crip Negativity: The Trajectories of Feminist/Queer Disability Studies (Questioning the Disciplinary "Knowledge" Lecture Series, no. 5)

The Lecture Series, no. 5Questioning the Disciplinary "Knowledge" from Feminist/Queer Theories Satu... more

CGS Autumn Gathering 2024


CGS Autumn Gathering 2024

【CGS Autumn Gathering】 CGS Autumn Gathering will be held! Anyone interested in gender and sexuali... more

Sat. 12th October, Lecture by Hanyu Yuki, Is Feminist Philosophy Disciplinary?: Aiming to Critically Inherit Feminist Thought (Questioning the Disciplinary


Sat. 12th October, Lecture by Hanyu Yuki, Is Feminist Philosophy Disciplinary?: Aiming to Critically Inherit Feminist Thought (Questioning the Disciplinary "Knowledge" Lecture Series, no. 4)

The Lecture Series, no. 4Questioning the Disciplinary "Knowledge" from Feminist/Queer Theories Satu... more


CGS Open Lecture "Disaster and Women: A Case of Suzu, Noto Peninsula"

*This is a lecture only in Japanese. Three women from NPO "Yamatsutsuji-kai" in Suzu, Noto Peninsula... more

Sat. 21st September, Lecture by Iida Mayu, Where to Begin with Feminism?: Cyberfeminism as a Starting Point (Questioning the Disciplinary


Sat. 21st September, Lecture by Iida Mayu, Where to Begin with Feminism?: Cyberfeminism as a Starting Point (Questioning the Disciplinary "Knowledge" Lecture Series, no. 3)

The Lecture Series, no. 3Questioning the Disciplinary "Knowledge" from Feminist/Queer Theories Satu... more

Sat. 28th Sep., Resisting Discrimination Based on Nationality and Gender & Sexuality


Sat. 28th Sep., Resisting Discrimination Based on Nationality and Gender & Sexuality

Time & Date: 13:00-18:00, Saturday 28th September  2024 Language: Japanese (Japanese text int... more

Sat. 27th July, Lecture by Shimizu Akiko, Where did


Sat. 27th July, Lecture by Shimizu Akiko, Where did "gender performativity" come from? (Questioning the Disciplinary "Knowledge" Lecture Series, no. 2)

The Lecture Series, no. 2Questioning the Disciplinary "Knowledge" from Feminist/Queer Theories Satu... more

Sat. 29th June, Lecture by Fejitaka Kazuki


Sat. 29th June, Lecture by Fejitaka Kazuki "Transgender Philosophy?" (Questioning the Disciplinary "Knowledge" Lecture Series, no. 1)

The Lecture Series, no. 1Questioning the Disciplinary "Knowledge" from Feminist/Queer TheoriesSaturd... more

7.6 The Future of the GID Act: A Paradigm Shift in Trans People’s Gender Recognition

EventDay:2024-07-06 Published:2024-06-06

7.6 The Future of the GID Act: A Paradigm Shift in Trans People’s Gender Recognition

Time & Date: 14:00-18:00, 6th, July 2024 Language: Japanese Venue: 2nd Floor, Dialogue House, I... more

The 69th Fuwa-Cafe: Face-to-Face Reunion!【R-weeks 2024】


The 69th Fuwa-Cafe: Face-to-Face Reunion!【R-weeks 2024】

Date & Time: June 6th (Thu) 12:50-14:50Venue: CGS@ERB-I 301 No reservation necessary. Coming in... more

6/15〈Possibilities of Feminist/Queer Craft〉Patch & Sign Making Workshop【R-weeks 2024】


6/15〈Possibilities of Feminist/Queer Craft〉Patch & Sign Making Workshop【R-weeks 2024】

〈Possibilities of Feminist/Queer Craft〉Patch & Sign Making Workshop by Satoko Miyakoshi and Sup... more

🌈R-weeks 2024


🌈R-weeks 2024

R-weeks (Rainbow weeks) will be held from 3rd to 15th June!Various events will be happening, and we... more


【Decolonising the “Human”】Special Lecture Hiroshi YASUI "The Politics of Intersections between Animals and Colonialism: A Consideration of Cases from Israel"(Sat. 9th March)

【Decolonising the “Human”】Special Lecture Hiroshi YASUI “The Politics of Intersections between Anima... more

Sat. 24th February, Akemi Nishida


Sat. 24th February, Akemi Nishida "Diversifying Activism: Bed Activism by Disabled and Sick People of Color"

Diversifying Activism: Bed Activism by Disabled and Sick People of Color Akemi NishidaAssociate Pro... more


【Decolonising the "Human"】The Second Study Group Session (Thu. 8th Feb)

【Decolonising the "Human"】The Second Study Group Session Date: Thursday 8th February, 12:50-13:50 La... more


【Decolonising the “Human”】Special Lecture Janis Cherry "Living Coetaneous and Yet Different Genocidal "Every Day"" (Mon. 12th February)

―Attendance Limited to ICU Students and Faculty & Staff members―【Decolonising the “Human”】 Speci... more


CGS Open Lecture “Middle Eastern Studies and Gender Orientalism” (January 29, Mon)

~~ Center for Gender Studies OPEN LECTURE (for ICU students and Faculty& Staff members)~~ “Middl... more


Decolonising the “Human”

Decolonising the “Human” On the 9th October 2023, the Israeli Defense Minister stated: "We are fight... more

CGS Autumn Gathering


CGS Autumn Gathering

CGS Autumn Gathering will be held!Everyone insterested in gender and sexuality studies is welcome!I... more

The 68th Fuwa-Café: Care in Everyday Life


The 68th Fuwa-Café: Care in Everyday Life

"I might be attracted to people of the same sex as me,""I might be attracted to people regardless of... more

【R-weeks】Film Screening of


【R-weeks】Film Screening of "United in Anger: A History of ACT UP" (2012, dir. Jim Hubbard)

6/15 (Thur) 18:00-20:00 Screening of United in Anger: A History of ACT UP (2012): A Documentary Fil... more

【R-weeks】6/12 (Mon)  Marie KUDO's Lecture


【R-weeks】6/12 (Mon) Marie KUDO's Lecture "Feminism/Queer+Christianity?"

6/12 (Mon) 16:30〜 Marie KUDO「Feminism/Queer+Christianity?」Venue:ZoomLanguage:Japanese※Registration ... more

【R-weeks】6/10 (Sat)


【R-weeks】6/10 (Sat) "Possibilities of Feminist Zines as Alternative Platforms” Lecture and Zine-Making Workshop" by Satoko MIYAKOSHI (Designer, Feminist Activist)

R-weeks Event  “Possibilities of Feminist Zines as Alternative Platforms” Lecture and Zine-Making W... more

R-weeks Special Lecture by Rin TAKASHIMA(SUGIURA) (Writer, Anarcha-Feminist)


R-weeks Special Lecture by Rin TAKASHIMA(SUGIURA) (Writer, Anarcha-Feminist)

6/6 (Tue) Rin TAKASHIMA(SUGIURA) (Writer, Anarcha-Feminist) "Against the Discourse "Japan used to b... more

【R-weeks】Going Beyond


【R-weeks】Going Beyond "What is Asexual?": A Conversation with the Translator of ACE

6/5 (月) 12:50-13:50 Going Beyond "What is Asexual?": A Conversation with the Translator of ACESpeak... more



【R-weeks】"For Making Gender Affirmative University and Society"

6/3(土) 13:00-15:00 "For Making Gender Affirmative University and Society"Speaker:Kazuko TANAKA (CGS... more

R-weeks Special Lecture by Miho OKADA (Broken Rainbow-Japan, Rape Crisis Network)


R-weeks Special Lecture by Miho OKADA (Broken Rainbow-Japan, Rape Crisis Network)

6/1 (Thu) Miho OKADA (Broken Rainbow-Japan, Rape Crisis Network) "For the Support of Victims of Sex... more

R-weeks Special Lecture by Sho AKITA (normal screen)


R-weeks Special Lecture by Sho AKITA (normal screen)

R-weeks Special Lecture by Sho AKITA (normal screen) "Activism and Art Projecting/Projected" In cla... more

The 11th R-weeks (Rainbow Weeks) 5/30-6/15


The 11th R-weeks (Rainbow Weeks) 5/30-6/15

Rainbow Weeks (R-weeks) 5/30~6/15 The 11th annual event “R-weeks” organised by Center for Gender St... more


CGS Autumn Gathering


CGS Autumn Gathering

CGS Autumn Gathering 2022 Date: 30th of September, 12:40-13:50 Place: The Lawn Area in front of Hon... more

Let's Read Amélie Lamont's


Let's Read Amélie Lamont's "The Guide To Allyship" Together

R-Weeks EventLet's Read Amélie Lamont's "The Guide To Allyship" Together6/16(Fri) 13:50-15:00 at CG... more

[R-Weeks Event] Talk by Ayako Niijima (Japan Association for Refugees)


[R-Weeks Event] Talk by Ayako Niijima (Japan Association for Refugees) "LGBT Rights and Refugees: The Issues They Are Facing Today"

R-Weeks EventTalk by Ayako Niijima (Japan Association for Refugees) "LGBT Rights and Refugees: The ... more

[R-Weeks Event] Film Screening


[R-Weeks Event] Film Screening "The Most Dangerous Year" and Talk by Mameta Endo "Let's Become A Trans Ally Now"

R-Weeks EventFilm Screening "The Most Dangerous Year" and Talk by Mameta Endo "Let's Become A Trans... more

[R-Weeks Project] The 67th Fuwa-Café: Unnamable feelings regarding gender and sexuality.


[R-Weeks Project] The 67th Fuwa-Café: Unnamable feelings regarding gender and sexuality.

The 67th Fuwa-Café: Unnamable feelings regarding gender and sexuality.CGS is providing an opportuni... more

List of Events during R-Weeks


List of Events during R-Weeks

10th R-Weeks hosted by Center for Gender Studies (CGS) is going to be held from 6th to 17th June!R-... more

R-Weeks 6/6-6/17


R-Weeks 6/6-6/17

The 10th annual event “R-weeks” will be held during the weeks of June 6th to June 17th, 2022. R-Wee... more

Writing, Translating, and Publishing Feminist Books


Writing, Translating, and Publishing Feminist Books

Poster.pdf The Center for Gender Studies at International Christian University (ICU) is happy to in... more

History Lessons—The Present of Feminist/Queer Film Curation in Japan


History Lessons—The Present of Feminist/Queer Film Curation in Japan

Poster.pdf For this event, we have invited experts and practitioners of feminist/queer film theory ... more

Workshop Series: Posthuman Perspectives


Workshop Series: Posthuman Perspectives

posthuman0109.pdf 1) Daniela Kato (Former Associate Professor, Kyoto Institute of Technology) "Recl... more


CGS Online Reading Group Fall/Winter Term 2021:


CGS Online Reading Group Fall/Winter Term 2021: "The Transgender Issue: An Argument for Justice" by Shon Faye

Every term the Center for Gender Studies (CGS) at ICU hosts both CGS staff-led and student-led rea... more

A Conversation with Fukazawa Ushio and Yamazaki Nao-Cola: Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Breastfeeding in Japanese Literature


A Conversation with Fukazawa Ushio and Yamazaki Nao-Cola: Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Breastfeeding in Japanese Literature

Poster.pdf The Center for Gender Studies (ICU) is happy to invite you to attend a virtual conversat... more

Narrating Bodies: Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Breastfeeding in Japanese Literature


Narrating Bodies: Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Breastfeeding in Japanese Literature

Poster.pdf Date and Time November 13 (Sat.), 2021 17:00-20:30 JST Location Online via Zoom Webinar... more

CGS Online Reading Group Fall Term 2021: Care in Contemporary Japanese Literature


CGS Online Reading Group Fall Term 2021: Care in Contemporary Japanese Literature

CGS秋学期読書会1011.pdf Every term the Center for Gender Studies (CGS) at ICU hosts both CGS staff-led an... more

【CGS Open Lecture】The Ambiguity of Subversive Representation of

EventDay:2021/10/01 Published:2021-09-18

【CGS Open Lecture】The Ambiguity of Subversive Representation of "Reproduction" in Feminist Art

Center for Gender Studies will host an online public lecture by an emerging scholar, Fumina Ham... more

The 65th Fuwa-Café: Online Discommunication


The 65th Fuwa-Café: Online Discommunication

The 65th Fuwa-Café: Online DiscommunicationDue to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, all our events wi... more

【CGS Reading Group Autumn 2021】Feminism & Technology


【CGS Reading Group Autumn 2021】Feminism & Technology

Every term the Center for Gender Studies (CGS) at ICU hosts both CGS staff-led and student-led readi... more

CGS Tea Party Autumn 2021


CGS Tea Party Autumn 2021

2021 CGS Tea Party.pdf Anybody who is interested in CGS or Gender & Sexuality Studies is welcom... more

Embodied Life in Photography: Talk Event with Yurie Nagashima and Anat Parnass


Embodied Life in Photography: Talk Event with Yurie Nagashima and Anat Parnass

Date and time: June 15, 2021, 18:00-20:30 JST Guest speakers: Yurie Nagashima (photographer and wr... more

The 9th Annual Event “R-weeks”


NEWThe 9th Annual Event “R-weeks”

R-Weeks 2021.pdf The 9th annual event “R-weeks” will be held during the weeks of June 7th (Mon) to J... more

CGS Tea Party Spring 2021


CGS Tea Party Spring 2021

Poster.pdf CGS Tea Party Spring 2021 Date & Time14th April, 2021 (Wed) 12:40-13:50 Place Zoom J... more

Feminist/Queer Utopias & Dystopias—Alternative Worlds  Imagined Through Non-Normative Desires and Bodies


NEWFeminist/Queer Utopias & Dystopias—Alternative Worlds Imagined Through Non-Normative Desires and Bodies

Poster.pdf Feminist/Queer Utopias & Dystopias—Alternative Worlds Imagined Through Non-Normative... more

Telling Stories, Breaking Stereotypes: Gender, Age and Race in Laura Liverani's Photography


NEWTelling Stories, Breaking Stereotypes: Gender, Age and Race in Laura Liverani's Photography

Telling Stories, Breaking Stereotypes: Gender, Age and Race in Laura Liverani's Photography We will... more

The 8th Annual Event “R-weeks”


EndedThe 8th Annual Event “R-weeks”

The 8th annual event “R-weeks” will be held during the weeks of December 10th to December 20th (Sat... more

Eiko Otake’s Video Lecture on Disaster and Art: “From the Great East Japan Earthquake to the Coronavirus Crisis”


EndedEiko Otake’s Video Lecture on Disaster and Art: “From the Great East Japan Earthquake to the Coronavirus Crisis”

Eiko Otake’s Video Lecture on Disaster and Art: “From the Great East Japan Earthquake to the Corona... more

Kawakami Mieko’s Breasts and Eggs: Gender and Translation


EndedKawakami Mieko’s Breasts and Eggs: Gender and Translation

Poster.pdf A Virtual Conversation Kawakami Mieko’s Breasts and Eggs: Gender and Translation The Cen... more

Feminist/Queer Utopias & Dystopias: Alternative Worlds Imagined Through Non-Normative Desires and Bodies


PostponedFeminist/Queer Utopias & Dystopias: Alternative Worlds Imagined Through Non-Normative Desires and Bodies

Poster.pdf Postponed! Due to the COVID-19 situation, the following symposium is postponed. Feminist... more

Dilemmas around marriage: Reviewing Minimizing Marriage


NEWDilemmas around marriage: Reviewing Minimizing Marriage

Poster.pdf Marriage as a social system can both provide security or threaten one's life. Elizabeth ... more

Web Survey of LGBT Issues in the Workplace niji VOICE 2019: Building a workplace in which it is easy to work in also for LGBT people, and gathering voices in order to build a society in which it is easy to live in


FinishedWeb Survey of LGBT Issues in the Workplace niji VOICE 2019: Building a workplace in which it is easy to work in also for LGBT people, and gathering voices in order to build a society in which it is easy to live in

Poster.pdf On January 25th (Saturday), 2020 we will host an event to report on "Web Survey of LGBT ... more

“University Presidents’ Declaration on Gender and Sexual Diversity (SOGI)” Discussing results and challenges


Finished“University Presidents’ Declaration on Gender and Sexual Diversity (SOGI)” Discussing results and challenges

Poster.pdf In April 2018 the university presidents of Tsuda University, Meiji University and Intern... more

Histories as Narratives, Women and Regions ― Towards Women's Local Histories to Come


終了しましたHistories as Narratives, Women and Regions ― Towards Women's Local Histories to Come

Poster.pdf Histories as Narratives, Women and Regions ―Towards Women's Local Histories to Come I... more

CGS Open Lecture: National and Transnational Performance in Women's Wrestling and Joshi Puroresu


終了しましたCGS Open Lecture: National and Transnational Performance in Women's Wrestling and Joshi Puroresu

Poster.pdf CGS Open Lecture: National and Transnational Performance in Women's Wrestling and Joshi ... more

EventDay:20190917 Published:2019-09-03

NEWCGS Tea Party 2019 September

Poster.pdf CGS Tea Party 2019 September Date & Time17th September 2019 (Tue) 12:40-15:0018th Se... more

Emergency Symposium “Academic Freedom and Gender Studies: The Case in Hungary and a Response in Japan”

EventDay:2019-06-08 Published:2019-05-10

EndedEmergency Symposium “Academic Freedom and Gender Studies: The Case in Hungary and a Response in Japan”

Poster.pdf Emergency Symposium “Academic Freedom and Gender Studies: The Case in Hungary and a Res... more

CGS Tea Party 2019 April


EndedCGS Tea Party 2019 April

Poster.pdf CGS Tea Party 2019 April Date & Time17th April, 2019(Wed) 12:40-15:0018th April, 201... more

The 57th Fuwa-Cafe: On losing and getting

EventDay:20190307 Published:2019-02-18

The 57th Fuwa-Cafe: On losing and getting

Poster.pdf The 57th Fuwa-Cafe On losing and getting Date & Time March 7th (Thu) 12:50-15:10. ... more

CGS Reading Group Winter Term 2018


NEWCGS Reading Group Winter Term 2018

poster.pdf Reading Konbini Ningen & Convenience Store Women: Thinking about Gender and Translat... more

Web Survey of LGBT Issues in the Workplace niji VOICE 2018: Building a workplace in which it is easy to work in also for LGBT people, and gathering voices in order to build a society in which it is easy to live in


Web Survey of LGBT Issues in the Workplace niji VOICE 2018: Building a workplace in which it is easy to work in also for LGBT people, and gathering voices in order to build a society in which it is easy to live in

poster.pdf On December 16th (Saturday) we will host an event to report on "Web Survey of LGBT Issue... more


EventDay:2018/11/24 Published:2018-10-15


Poster.pdf MARGUERITE DURAS A CRITIQUE OF REASON Date & Time & Venue Fri. 23 November 2018... more

The 53rd Fuwa-Cafe: My Name, I and Name

EventDay:2018/10/22 Published:2018-10-09

The 53rd Fuwa-Cafe: My Name, I and Name

ポスター.pdf Date and Time: October 22nd, 2018 18:00-20:30 OYRs Welcome!! Both English or Japanese OK. ... more

CGS Tea Party 2018 September

EventDay:2018/09/17 Published:2018-09-04

CGS Tea Party 2018 September

Poster.pdf Date & Time September 17th, 2018 (Monday) 12:40-15:00 September 18th, 2018 (Tuesday... more

Resistance and Mourning in the Place Where We Stand: Gender, Sexuality and The Issue of the U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa

EventDay:2018/09/30 Published:2018-08-27

NEWResistance and Mourning in the Place Where We Stand: Gender, Sexuality and The Issue of the U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa

posterーpdf The issue of the bases is a problem of military violence, which includes sexual violenc... more

Open Lecture: Family by Chance: Marriage System and Same-Sex Parenting

EventDay:20180608 Published:2018-05-22

NEWOpen Lecture: Family by Chance: Marriage System and Same-Sex Parenting

Open Lecture: Join us! Family by Chance: Marriage System and Same-Sex Parenting Ono Haru will talk ... more

The 6th Annual Event “R-week”

EventDay:20180602 Published:2018-05-21

NEWThe 6th Annual Event “R-week”

The 6th annual event “R-weeks” will be held during the weeks of June 2nd (Sat) to June 9th (Sat), 20... more

EventDay:2018/06/09 Published:2018-05-15

4th Annual Rainbow Reunion

EventDay:2018/06/02 Published:2018-05-14

NEW4th Annual Rainbow Reunion

Poster.pdf CGS (Center for Gender Studies, International Christian University) was established in ... more

The 51st Fuwa-Cafe Love, Faith, Trust, etc.

EventDay:2018/05/21 Published:2018-05-08

The 51st Fuwa-Cafe Love, Faith, Trust, etc.

PDF The 51st Fuwa-Cafe To love, to believe Date & Time May 21st (Mon) 18:00-20:30. OYRs Welco... more

CGS Reading group Spring term 2018: 1)Gender and Sexuality, and U.S. military bases in Okinawa 2)Microaggressions in Everyday Life

EventDay:2018-04-18 Published:2018-04-06

CGS Reading group Spring term 2018: 1)Gender and Sexuality, and U.S. military bases in Okinawa 2)Microaggressions in Everyday Life

ポスターPDF Every term the Center for Gender Studies (CGS) at ICU hosts student-led reading groups in w... more

The 50th Fuwa-cafe: Coming Out

EventDay:2018-04-26 Published:2018-04-03

The 50th Fuwa-cafe: Coming Out

fuwacafe Poster PDF The 50th Fuwa-CafeComing Out Date & TimeApril 26th (Thu) 18:00p.m. - 20:30p... more

CGS Tea Party 2018 April

EventDay:2018-04-18,2018-04-19,2018-04-201 Published:2018-04-03

CGS Tea Party 2018 April

Poster PDF.pdf CGS Tea Party 2018 April Date & Time18th April, 2018(Wed) 12:40-15:0019th April,... more

Gender and Sexuality in Motion:  Migrants Searching One's Own Place in Asia-Pacific

EventDay:2018/02/10 Published:2018-01-10

Gender and Sexuality in Motion: Migrants Searching One's Own Place in Asia-Pacific

Potter PDF(A3, 0.6MB) Gender and Sexuality in Motion: Migrants Searching One's Own Place in Asia... more

Defying flexibility: Dialogues on women, sexuality and literature

EventDay:2018-03-04 Published:2018-01-10

Defying flexibility: Dialogues on women, sexuality and literature

Poster PDF(A3, 0.7MB) From the 1980s, within queer studies there has been a focus on the concep... more

Groups and Gatherings: The 47th Fuwa-Cafe

EventDay:2017/12/19 Published:2017-12-12

Groups and Gatherings: The 47th Fuwa-Cafe

Poster PDF(A3, 0.77MB) Date & Time: December 19th (Tue) 12:50p.m. - 15:10p.m. Coming in the m... more

Worrisome gazes?: The 46th Fuwa-Cafe

EventDay:2017-11-02 Published:2017-10-18

Worrisome gazes?: The 46th Fuwa-Cafe

poster pdf(A3, 0.76MB) The 46th Fuwa-Cafe Worrisome gazes? Date & TimeNovember 2nd (Thu) 6:00p... more


EventDay:2017-11-12 Published:2017-10-03

Symposium "Overcoming Past Issues" and Gender and Sexuality Studies

Poster PDF(A3*2, 1MB) CGS Symposium "Overcoming Past Issues" and Gender and Sexuality Studies. Da... more

Gender and Poetry: Itō Hiromi Poetry reading, lecture and life counseling event at ICU

EventDay:2017-11-10 Published:2017-10-03

Gender and Poetry: Itō Hiromi Poetry reading, lecture and life counseling event at ICU

Poster PDF(A4*2, 3.3MB) Gender and Poetry: Itō HiromiPoetry reading, lecture and life counseling... more

Are you Getting by This Term?: The 45th Fuwa-Cafe

EventDay:2017-10-16 Published:2017-10-03

Are you Getting by This Term?: The 45th Fuwa-Cafe

Poster PDF(A3, 0.8MB) The 45th Fuwa-CafeAre you Getting by This Term? Date & TimeOctober 16th ... more

Study Groups(9/26, 10/10, 11/2)-- Gender and Poetry: Itō Hiromi

EventDay:2017-09-26,2017-10-10,2017-11-02 Published:2017-09-20

Study Groups(9/26, 10/10, 11/2)-- Gender and Poetry: Itō Hiromi

poster PDF(A3*2sheets, 3.3MB) On November 10th, We are very happy to invite you to have a first-ha... more

[Open Forum]

EventDay:2017-09-30 Published:2017-09-19

[Open Forum] "Thinking about x-gender: Identity, labels, negotiation"

Poster PDF(A3, 0.74MB) CGS(Center for Gender Studies) YoRAP(Young Research Action Program)Open For... more

第44回 ふわカフェ:カミングアウト

EventDay:2017-09-19 Published:2017-09-06

第44回 ふわカフェ:カミングアウト

This page is only available in Japanese. more

CGS Reading Group Autumn Term 2017

EventDay:2017-09-21 Published:2017-09-06

CGS Reading Group Autumn Term 2017

Poster PDF(A3, 0.8MB) CGS Reading GroupAutumn Term 2017 Thinking about and/or from Asexuality Ever... more

CGS Tea Party 2017 September

EventDay:2017-09-14,2017-09-15 Published:2017-08-29

CGS Tea Party 2017 September

Poster PDF(A3, 0.52MB) CGS Tea Party 2017 September Date & Time14th September, 2017(Thu) 12:40... more

ミニワークショップ:いっしょにつくろう!「やれることリスト at University」

EventDay:2017-06-09 Published:2017-05-30

ミニワークショップ:いっしょにつくろう!「やれることリスト at University」

This page is only available in Japanese. more

第43回 ふわカフェ:コミュニティとコミュニケーション

EventDay:2017-06-08 Published:2017-05-24

第43回 ふわカフェ:コミュニティとコミュニケーション

This page is only available in Japanese. more

ICUジェンダー研究センター主催 第3回「Rainbow Reunion」

EventDay:2017-06-10 Published:2017-05-24

ICUジェンダー研究センター主催 第3回「Rainbow Reunion」

This page is only available in Japanese. more


EventDay:2017-06-01 Published:2017-05-24


This page is only available in Japanese. more


EventDay:2017-06-06 Published:2017-05-24


This page is only available in Japanese. more

第5回 R-Weeks関連イベントのお知らせ


第5回 R-Weeks関連イベントのお知らせ

This page is only available in Japanese. more

第42回ふわカフェ(昼営業!): 色々な愛~色とりどりの愛~

EventDay:2017-05-23 Published:2017-05-09

第42回ふわカフェ(昼営業!): 色々な愛~色とりどりの愛~

This page is only available in Japanese. more

UN Academic Impact Event on Gender and SDGs

EventDay:2017-05-22 Published:2017-04-25

UN Academic Impact Event on Gender and SDGs

Poster PDF(130KB) Please be informed that the Center for Gender Studies and CLA will hold the eve... more

第41回ふわカフェ(昼営業!): カミングアウト~わたしの話、からだの話

EventDay:2017-04-24 Published:2017-04-18

第41回ふわカフェ(昼営業!): カミングアウト~わたしの話、からだの話

Poster PDF(A3, 0.8MB) The 41th Fuwa-CafeComing Out: My Story, My Body Date & TimeApril 24th... more

CGS Tea Party 2017 April

EventDay:2017-04-19,2017-04-20,2017-04-21 Published:2017-04-18

CGS Tea Party 2017 April

Poster PDF(A3, 0.6MB) CGS Tea Party 2017 April Date & Time19th April, 2017(Wed) 12:40-15:0020t... more

映像と性の政治 ―映画とその上映の実践から

EventDay:2017-03-05 Published:2017-03-05

映像と性の政治 ―映画とその上映の実践から

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第6回 みたかジェンダー・セクシュアリティ映画祭 in ICU

EventDay:2017-03-04 Published:2017-03-04

第6回 みたかジェンダー・セクシュアリティ映画祭 in ICU

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喪とクィア ―死の抽象化への反抗


喪とクィア ―死の抽象化への反抗

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EventDay:2017-02-17 Published:2017-02-17


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デートDV --心のケアと回復

EventDay:2017-02-15 Published:2017-02-15

デートDV --心のケアと回復

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EventDay:2017-02-13 Published:2017-02-12


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EventDay:2017-01-25 Published:2017-01-25


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Alcohol and You: The 37th Fuwa-Cafe

EventDay:2016-12-13 Published:2016-12-13

Alcohol and You: The 37th Fuwa-Cafe

Date & Time:December 13th (Tue) 6:00p.m. - 8:30p.m. Coming in the middle or leaving early are ... more




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Liminal Existence in Art and Literature

EventDay:2016-11-12 Published:2016-11-12

Liminal Existence in Art and Literature

Center for Gender Studies / Institute for the Study of Christianity and Culture Joint SymposiumLim... more

Places We Live, Places We Want to Live: The 36th Fuwa-Cafe

EventDay:2016-11-10 Published:2016-11-10

Places We Live, Places We Want to Live: The 36th Fuwa-Cafe

Date & Time:November 10th (Thu) 6:00p.m. - 8:30p.m. Coming in the middle or leaving early are ... more


EventDay:2016-10-26 Published:2016-10-26


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EventDay:2016-10-17 Published:2016-10-17


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依存症からの回復は〈わたしたち〉が作る。 −ナルコティクス アノニマスの実践

EventDay:2016-10-11 Published:2016-10-11

依存症からの回復は〈わたしたち〉が作る。 −ナルコティクス アノニマスの実践

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〈わたし〉の戦後責任を再考する ――フェミニズム、植民地主義批判、哲学の視座から

EventDay:2016-10-08 Published:2016-10-08

〈わたし〉の戦後責任を再考する ――フェミニズム、植民地主義批判、哲学の視座から

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クィア理論入門 ―女の運動とフェミニズム理論から


クィア理論入門 ―女の運動とフェミニズム理論から

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EventDay:2016-09-26 Published:2016-09-26


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男は生産・技術、女は後始末? ―原爆と原発のあいだ―

EventDay:2016-09-26 Published:2016-09-26

男は生産・技術、女は後始末? ―原爆と原発のあいだ―

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CGS Tea Party 2016 Autumn

EventDay:2016-09-14,2016-09-15 Published:2016-09-14

CGS Tea Party 2016 Autumn

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EventDay:2016-09-13 Published:2016-09-13


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LGBT職場環境アンケート報告会「データを職場環境改善のチカラにin 東京 2016」

EventDay:2016-06-19 Published:2016-06-19

LGBT職場環境アンケート報告会「データを職場環境改善のチカラにin 東京 2016」

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Rainbow Reunion 2016

EventDay:2016-06-11 Published:2016-06-11

Rainbow Reunion 2016

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問題なのは社会=制度的構造だ ―日本における性的マイノリティと収入の探索的分析/ふわっとジョブカフェ

EventDay:2016-06-10 Published:2016-06-10

問題なのは社会=制度的構造だ ―日本における性的マイノリティと収入の探索的分析/ふわっとジョブカフェ

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EventDay:2016-06-09 Published:2016-06-09


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WEL-COMING OUT!! 家族と友人にできること

EventDay:2016-06-07 Published:2016-06-07

WEL-COMING OUT!! 家族と友人にできること

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EventDay:2016-06-06 Published:2016-06-06


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いっしょにつくろう!「やれることリスト at University」

EventDay:2016-06-01 Published:2016-06-01

いっしょにつくろう!「やれることリスト at University」

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EventDay:2016-05-30 Published:2016-05-30


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EventDay:2016-05-16 Published:2016-05-16


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EventDay:2016-04-22 Published:2016-04-22


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EventDay:2016-04-16 Published:2016-04-16


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EventDay:2016-04-15,2016-04-18 Published:2016-04-15


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CGS Tea Party 2016 Spring

EventDay:2016-04-12,2016-04-13,2016-04-14 Published:2016-04-12

CGS Tea Party 2016 Spring

[Date & Time]12th April, 2016(Tue) 13:50-16:0013th April, 2016(Wed) 12:40-15:0014th April, 201... more


EventDay:2016-03-06 Published:2016-03-06


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EventDay:2016-02-23 Published:2016-02-23


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EventDay:2016-02-16 Published:2016-02-16


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EventDay:2016-02-12 Published:2016-02-12


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EventDay:2016-02-11 Published:2016-02-10


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Let's Talk about Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Parenting on Campus! #05

EventDay:2016-02-09 Published:2016-02-09

Let's Talk about Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Parenting on Campus! #05

Poster PDF(A3サイズ、0.5MB) Let's Talk about Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Parenting on Campus! #05 Do yo... more

第4回 みたかジェンダー・セクシュアリティ映画祭 in ICU

EventDay:2016-01-25 Published:2016-01-25

第4回 みたかジェンダー・セクシュアリティ映画祭 in ICU

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EventDay:2016-01-21 Published:2016-01-21


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デートDVって、知ってる? --学生発信型啓発活動の在り方を考える

EventDay:2015-12-17 Published:2015-12-17

デートDVって、知ってる? --学生発信型啓発活動の在り方を考える

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EventDay:2015-12-16 Published:2015-12-16


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We ARE Here ―日本でHIV/エイズ支援に関わる、ということ

EventDay:2015-12-11 Published:2015-12-11

We ARE Here ―日本でHIV/エイズ支援に関わる、ということ

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Everyone, Let's Do a Fashion*Check!: The 27th Fuwa-Cafe (Casual Cafe)

EventDay:2015-11-09 Published:2015-11-09

Everyone, Let's Do a Fashion*Check!: The 27th Fuwa-Cafe (Casual Cafe)

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Fairy Tales - Their Legacy and Transformation: Gender, Sexuality, and Comparative Literature

EventDay:2015-11-07 Published:2015-11-07

Fairy Tales - Their Legacy and Transformation: Gender, Sexuality, and Comparative Literature

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What's a

EventDay:2015-10-14 Published:2015-10-14

What's a "Healthy" Relationship?: The 26th Fuwa-Cafe (Casual Cafe)

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How's Studying Abroad?: The 25th Fuwa-Cafe (Casual Cafe)

EventDay:2015-09-17 Published:2015-09-17

How's Studying Abroad?: The 25th Fuwa-Cafe (Casual Cafe)

Date & Time:September 17th (Thu) 6:00p.m. - 8:30p.m. Coming in the middle or leaving early are... more


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出張ふわカフェ in 東京迂回路研究

EventDay:2015-09-06 Published:2015-09-06

出張ふわカフェ in 東京迂回路研究

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LGBT職場環境アンケート報告会「データを職場環境改善のチカラに in 東京 2015」


LGBT職場環境アンケート報告会「データを職場環境改善のチカラに in 東京 2015」

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