Decolonising the “Human”

Monday,January 1,2024


Decolonising the “Human”

On the 9th October 2023, the Israeli Defense Minister stated: "We are fighting against human animals". This project critically looks at the rhetorics and violence of animalisation/dehumanization from Feminist/Queer theories. 

Feminist/Queer theories point out that rhetorics and representations of "animals'' have been deployed to mark women, sexual or gender minorities, and those who are socially subordinated. Furthermore, it is discussed that such rhetorics and representations have been racialised as well as hierarchised.

This project questions what presumptions make such "animalisation" of certain existences possible. How have feminist/queer theories and activism criticised and responded to it? 

Reflecting on the histories of Japanese colonialism and imperialism, this project aims to analyse the politics of marginalisation and violence in order to resist any forms of oppression.

First Study Group Session
Date:Thursday 18th January, 12:50-13:50
Venue: Center for Gender Studies (CGS), International Christian University (ERB 301)
Language:Japanese and English
 UD talk and communication through writing available
Lift available

If you have any requests/inquiries on information accessibility, please email us at

Organiser:Fumina Hamasaki

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