[2/3 SSRI Open Lecture] Wartime Experience, Memorial Trips to the Philippines and the  Japanese Perception of the Philippines

EventDay:2025-02-03 Published:2025-01-16

[2/3 SSRI Open Lecture] Wartime Experience, Memorial Trips to the Philippines and the Japanese Perception of the Philippines

Wartime Experience, Memorial Trips to the Philippines and the  Japanese Perception of the Philippine... more

[12/6&7 Symposium] Nuclear War in Northeast Asia?: Early Warnings, Risk Reduction, and Denuclearization

EventDay:2024-12-06 Published:2024-11-01

[12/6&7 Symposium] Nuclear War in Northeast Asia?: Early Warnings, Risk Reduction, and Denuclearization

Nuclear War in Northeast Asia?: Early Warnings, Risk Reduction, and Denuclearization The 44th joint ... more

[11/21 SSRI Open Lecture] Algorithms of Anxiety: Fear in the Digital Age

EventDay:2024-11-21 Published:2024-10-16

[11/21 SSRI Open Lecture] Algorithms of Anxiety: Fear in the Digital Age

Algorithms of Anxiety: Fear in the Digital Age Speaker: Professor Anthony Elliott (Bradley Distingu... more

[10/17 SSRI Open Lecture] US Presidential Election from Interdisciplinary

EventDay:2024-10-17 Published:2024-10-05

[10/17 SSRI Open Lecture] US Presidential Election from Interdisciplinary

US Presidential Election from Interdisciplinary Perspectives Speakers Christian Collet (Senior Assoc... more

[10/10 SSRI Open Lecture] Nationalism and War: The Long-Term Perspective

EventDay:2024-10-10 Published:2024-09-06

[10/10 SSRI Open Lecture] Nationalism and War: The Long-Term Perspective

Nationalism and War: The Long-Term Perspective Speaker: Professor WIMMER, Andreas (Columbia Univer... more


EventDay:2024-10-03 Published:2024-09-06

NEW[10/3 SSRI OPEN LECTURE] "Post-pandemic" Society and the World

"Post-pandemic" Society and the World 講師: 村上陽一郎名誉教授  (東京大学、国際基督教大学) 概要     コロナ禍の結果、世界的に、あるいは社会的に、... more

[6/27 Symposium] Why Should We Protect Refugees?

EventDay:2024-06-27 Published:2024-05-21

[6/27 Symposium] Why Should We Protect Refugees?

Why Should We Protect Refugees? Speaker: Professor Matthew J. GIBNEY (Refugee Studies Centre, Un... more

[5/24 SSRI Open Lecture] & [5/25 Symposium] Gender of Ethics and Care

EventDay:2024-05-24 Published:2024-05-07

[5/24 SSRI Open Lecture] & [5/25 Symposium] Gender of Ethics and Care

Gender and Ethics of Care: An Open Lecture and Symposium Speaker: Professor Joan Tronto (Professor e... more

[5/9 SSRI Open Lecture] Towards gender equality: The Icelandic (and Nordic) experience

EventDay:2024-05-09 Published:2024-04-12

[5/9 SSRI Open Lecture] Towards gender equality: The Icelandic (and Nordic) experience

Towards gender equality: The Icelandic (and Nordic) experience Speaker: Dr. Ingvarsdóttir, Kristin (... more

[1/19 SSRI Open Lecture] A Film Screening of

EventDay:2024-01-19 Published:2023-12-22

[1/19 SSRI Open Lecture] A Film Screening of "Hug Me Tight: A Robot Story"

A Film Screening of "Hug Me Tight: A Robot Story" Speaker: Prof. Chihyung Jeon and Ms. Heesun Shin (... more

[Open Lecture12/9] 2023年度 第16回日韓政治思想学会・共同学術会議 ポピュリズムとデモクラシーの行方

EventDay:2023-12-9 Published:2023-11-16

[Open Lecture12/9] 2023年度 第16回日韓政治思想学会・共同学術会議 ポピュリズムとデモクラシーの行方

2023 年度 第1 6 回日韓政治思想学会・共同学術会議 ポピュリズムとデモクラシーの行方 概要日本政治思想学会と韓国政治思想学会のメンバーがポピュリズムとデモクラシーの問題を討論する。 Date... more

AY2023 SSRI-IGC Symposium (Sophia December 16): Language Education for Transnational Migrant Children: Roles of the Country of Origin and the Host Country

EventDay:2023-12-16 Published:2023-11-14

AY2023 SSRI-IGC Symposium (Sophia December 16): Language Education for Transnational Migrant Children: Roles of the Country of Origin and the Host Country

AY2023 SSRI-IGC Symposium (Sophia): Language Education for Transnational Migrant Children: Roles of ... more

【(11/9) RPC Rotary Special Peace Seminar Part II (supported by SSRI)】Gaza: History Did Not Begin on 7 October

EventDay:2023-11-09 Published:2023-11-03

New 【(11/9) RPC Rotary Special Peace Seminar Part II (supported by SSRI)】Gaza: History Did Not Begin on 7 October

RPC Rotary Special Peace Seminar Part II "Gaza: History Did Not Begin on 7 October" Speaker: Profes... more

【(November 9th) PRI event co-hosted by SSRI】Open Lecture Series on

EventDay:2023-11-09 Published:2023-11-03

New 【(November 9th) PRI event co-hosted by SSRI】Open Lecture Series on "The Israel-Gaza crisis: Historial Background to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and Regional Perspectives"

Open Lecture Series on "The Israel-Gaza crisis: Historial Background to the Israeli-Palestinian Conf... more

(11/14) Special Lecture Series - Palestine/Israel Crisis: Understanding Palestinian Experiences in Context

EventDay:2023-11-14 Published:2023-11-03

Special Lecture Series(11/14) Special Lecture Series - Palestine/Israel Crisis: Understanding Palestinian Experiences in Context

Title: Understanding Palestinian Experiences in Context Date: November 14, 2023 (Tue.) 12:50-13:50Le... more

【(November 4) ICU Institute for the Study of Christianity and Culture 60th Anniversary Symposium (Co-sponsored by SSRI)】 Religion in the Scottish Enlightenment

EventDay:2023-11-4 Published:2023-10-25

New【(November 4) ICU Institute for the Study of Christianity and Culture 60th Anniversary Symposium (Co-sponsored by SSRI)】 Religion in the Scottish Enlightenment

ICU Institute for the Study of Christianity and Culture is organizing a symposium on Novermber 4th. ... more

【October 31st Rotary Special Peace Seminar (supported by SSRI)】 “Ongoing Humanitarian Crisis in Israel-Gaza and ICRC”

EventDay:2023-10-31 Published:2023-10-24

【October 31st Rotary Special Peace Seminar (supported by SSRI)】 “Ongoing Humanitarian Crisis in Israel-Gaza and ICRC”

ICU Rotary Peace Center is organizing a Rotary Special Peace Seminar inviting Shoko Hanzawa, the Hea... more

(10/26) Special Lecture Series - Palestine/Israel Crisis: A Report from an ICU Alumna

EventDay:2023-10-26 Published:2023-10-23

【New】Special Lecture Series(10/26) Special Lecture Series - Palestine/Israel Crisis: A Report from an ICU Alumna

Following the escalating situation in Palestine/Israel, the Institute of Asian Cultural Studies, in ... more

AY2023 SSRI-IGC Symposium (Sophia December 16 (Pre-event November 5)): Language Education for Transnational Migrant Children: Roles of the Country of Origin and the Host Country

EventDay:2023-12-16 Published:2023-10-19

AY2023 SSRI-IGC Symposium (Sophia December 16 (Pre-event November 5)): Language Education for Transnational Migrant Children: Roles of the Country of Origin and the Host Country

AY2023 SSRI-IGC Symposium (Sophia): Language Education for Transnational Migrant Children: Roles of ... more

Accelerators for Sustainability Transformation


Accelerators for Sustainability Transformation

Accelerators for Sustainability Transformation Editors: ICU Social Science Research Institute and S... more

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