AY2018 SSRI-IGCシンポジウム (ICU)

International Symposium

What is Japan's Place

in a Changing Global Order?


Date: December 14, 2018 (Fri): 13:15 - 18:30

Place: ICU, Dialogue House, International Conference Room


13:15 Opening Remarks
Wilhelm Vosse (SSRI Director)
Mark Williams (ICU Vice President)

13:25 Symposium Introduction
Wilhelm Vosse (ICU)

13:35 Keynote Lecture
Prof. Andrew Oros (Washington College)

14:15 The Future of the Alliance
Misato Matsuoka (Teikyo University)
Takako Hikotani (Columbia University)
Yoichiro Sato (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)
15:00 Roundtable Discussion (Q&A)

15:30 Coffee Break

15:45 Liberal World Order and Europe
Paul Bacon (Waseda University)
Garren Mulloy (Daito Bunka University)
Seiichiro Taguchi (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)
Ana-Isabel Sanchez Ruiz (Delegation of the EU in Japan)
16:30 Roundtable Discussion (Q&A)

17:00 Cyberspace and World Order
Motohiro Tsuchiya (Keio University)
Thomas Renard (Royal Institute of International Relations)
Wilhelm Vosse
17:45 Roundtable: Japan's Future Role
18:30 Concluding Remarks
Nanako Inaba (Sophia University)

Organized by: Social Science Research Institute, ICU
and the Institute of Global Concern (IGC), Sophia University

2018-12-14 - International Symposium - Poster (E) Ver02  A2 XXL.pdf 2018-11-08 11-00-38.jpg

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