AY2015 IGC-SSRI Symposium (Sophia)
Who controls Food and Agriculture?
– New Challenges for Social Movement, Democracy, and Human Rights in a Global Era –

10:00 – 17:40, Saturday December 5, 2015
International Conference Room 1702, Building No.2, Sophia University
Institute for Global Concern (IGC – Sophia University)
Social Science Research Institute (SSRI – ICU)
Flyer of the symposium can be downloaded here
Opening Remarks
Prof. Miki Sugimura (Vice President for Academic Exchange, Sophia University)
Prof. Masatsugu Shimokawa (IGC Drector, Sophia University)
Keynote Speeches
Challenges and Alternatives to the Global and Food Crises
– Dr. Miguel Álvarez Gándara (SERAPAZ, Mexico)
The Hidden Risks of the G8 New Alliance for Peasant Agriculture in Mozambique* How can the CSOs and Grassroots Movements better Adovocate for Food Sovereignty
– Dr. Vicente Adriano Vicente (UNAC, Mozambique)
Prof.Nanako Inaba (Sophia University)
Patxi Álvarez (The Social Justice Secretariat at the General Curia of the Society of Jesus)
Panel Discussions I
New Directions Proposed by the UN* Small and Family Farming and Agroecology
– Dr. Kae Sekine (Aichi Gakuin University)
– Ms. Shoko Uhida(Director, Pacific Asia Resource Center)
From Japan to the World!! “Agricultural Movement for and by All Global Citizens” leadning to “Green Lige Chain” starting from a Quarter Acre Farmer – Thinking from “One Seed” What Kind of Agriculture do We Need to Live on the Earth
– Mr. Hirotsugu Saito (A Quarter Acre Farmer, “Jinendo”)
Dr. Miguel Álvarez Gándara (SERAPAZ, Mexico)
Dr. Vicente Adriano Vicente (UNAC, Mozambique)
Chair:Prof. Wilhelm M. Vosse (SSRI Director, ICU)
Joint Prayer
Rev. Shoko Kitanaka (ICU)
Juan Haidar, S.J. (Sophia University)
Panel Discussions II
Dr. Miguel Álvarez Gándara (SERAPAZ, Mexico)
Dr. Vicente Adriano Vicente (UNAC, Mozambique)
Dr. Kae Sekine (Aichi Gakuin University)
Ms. Shoko Uhida(Director, Pacific Asia Resource Center)
Mr. Hirotsugu Saito (A Quarter Acre Farmer, “Jinendo”)
Chair: Prof.Nanako Inaba (Sophia University)
Closing Remarks
Prof. Wilhelm M. Vosse (SSRI Director, ICU)