SSRI-IGC Symposium

The International Symposium co-hosted by the Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) of International Christian University and the Institute of Global Concern (IGC) of Sophia University has been held 39 times, marking the 40th anniversary in 2020.

Institute of Global Concern(IGC)

Through research, symposiums, and other activities, Sophia University’s Institute of Global Concern (IGC) works to raise the consciousness of students and society regarding the various problems of poverty and violence engendered by a globalizing society, and to realize dignity and solidarity for the worlds’ people while undertaking research from a global perspective into the various problems that threaten this goal.

Social Science Research Institute(SSRI)

In 1958 the RWRI outgrew itself to become SSRI and started to carry out interdisciplinary research in social science fields and played the central role in the foundation of the Division of Public Administration, the Graduate School in 1963. Since then, SSRI has been closely collaborating with the Division of Public Administration of the Graduate School and the Division of Social Science and the Division of International Studies of the College of Liberal Arts.The main purposes of SSRI are: (1) to contribute to the world-wide networking for interdisciplinary social science research and information exchange; and (2) to promote partnership with local communities through public lectures and joint research projects.

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