Open Lecture (11/3): Re-thinking Sino-Japanese Alienation: History Problems and Historical Opportunities


ABSTRACT: Goh will discuss her new book, co-authored with Buzan, that explore a new approach to dealing with history problems in Sino-Japanese relations, first, by constructing a more balanced and global view of their shared history, and second, by sketching out the possibilities for a great power bargain in Northeast Asia. The book first puts Northeast Asia's history since 1840 into both a world historical and a systematic normative context, exposing
the parochial nature of the history debate in relation to what is a bigger shared story. It then explores the conditions under which China and Japan have been able to reach strategic bargains in the course of their long historical relationship, and uses this to sketch out the main modes of agreement that might underpin a new contemporary great power bargain between them in four future scenarios for the region.

Speaker: Evelyn Goh, Shedden Professor of Strategic Policy Studies, Australian National University

Time: 15:10 to 16:20, Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Place: Online (Zoom)
Language: English

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