2018年7月1日開催国際ワークショップ: The Korean War as Transnational Postcolonial Conflicts


The Korean War as Transnational Postcolonial Conflicts


国際基督教大学 ダイアログハウス会議室203号室


1. The Korean War as Transnational Postcolonial Conflicts - SUH, Jae-jung.

2. A War betwen Japan and Zainichi Koreans? The Korean War and the "Nationality" Question - CHONG, Young-hwan.

3. Stop the War and Spread Peace: Korean Americans in the Anti-Korean War Movement and Trans-nationalizing Postcolonial Struggles - PARK, Chris Hyunkyu.

4. The Origins of Cold War Feminism during the Korean War - KIM, Suzy.

5. The Dark Alliance Between Racist Regime And Republic of Korea: Participation of South Africa in the Korean War - TAKABAYASHI, Toshiyuki.

6. Decolonization and Recolonization: Post-WWII Social Warfare as Postcolonial Conflicts - MASUDA, Hajimu.

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