List of news
- 2021-04-22Visit our CGS Online Chat Room!
- 2021-04-20The 63rd Fuwa-Café: Coming out
(Fuwacafe) - 2021-04-19CGS Online Reading Group Spring Term 2021: Jones, Angela, “Introduction: Queer utopias, queer futurity, and potentiality in quotidian practice”
(Bookclub) - 2021-04-16CGS opening during spring term
- 2021-04-05CGS Tea Party Spring 2021
(Event) - 2021-01-19NEWFeminist/Queer Utopias & Dystopias—Alternative Worlds Imagined Through Non-Normative Desires and Bodies
(Event) - 2021-01-19NEWTelling Stories, Breaking Stereotypes: Gender, Age and Race in Laura Liverani's Photography
(Event) - 2020-12-04EndedThe 8th Annual Event “R-weeks”
(Event) - 2020-12-02EndedThe 62nd Fuwa-Café: Coming out
(Fuwacafe) - 2020-12-01NEWCGS library's opening hours during winter term