[IERS] 公開講演 「Peace Education: An Indian Subcontinent Perspective (インド亜大陸から見る平和教育) 」


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講演タイトル: Peace Education: An Indian Subcontinent Perspective (インド亜大陸から見る平和教育)
講演者氏名: Dr. Ashar Johnson Khokhar (Forman Christian College, Lahore, Pakistan)
講演日時: 2024年2月7日 (水),10:00-11:30
講演会場: アラムナイハウス2階ラウンジ
講演言語: 英語
The Indian subcontinent was divided into two countries in 1947, and later Pakistan was further divided into two countries. Now this region is made up of three countries: Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. A long history has been shared among these countries, but each country has constructed its own history, and academics have called it politics of history-making and history-writing. These countries also inherited the education system (structures, curricula, and policies) created by the British constructing a certain identity and worldview. This session explores how peace education and attitudes towards peace education are shaped by the politics of education in the Indian Subcontinent.
About the lecturer:
Dr. Ashar Johnson Khokhar is a specialist in teacher education and a faculty at Forman Christian College (A Chartered University), Lahore, Pakistan. He has been working with primary, elementary, and secondary school pupils, teachers, and student-teachers and supporting them in understanding curriculum and textbooks of language, social studies, history, Islamic education, and ethics. His areas of research are citizenship, national identity, citizenship education, peace education, social justice, gender studies, inclusive society, curriculum policy, qualitative research, and textbook analysis. He advocates and works towards making Pakistan an inclusive, multi-religious, multicultural, and tolerant society through his academic research and advocacy works. He could be reached at asharkhokhar@fccollege.edu.pk.


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[IERS] 公開講演 「Peace Education: An Indian Subcontinent Perspective (インド亜大陸から見る平和教育) 」 教育研究所  Jp sitemap  En sitemap