ENDED[Host: CRAG/Co-host: IERS] An Open Invitation to ICU Community Research & Action Group (CRAG)

Thursday,October 14,2021

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Dear Students and Faculty,

Here is an open invitation to ICU Community Research & Action Group, whose beginning goes back almost two decades ago back in 2002. We are a group of faculty and students engaged in empirical work in interdisciplinary fields. In Past topics include basic, applied and methodological research, e.g., group dynamics, organizational issues, higher education and liberal arts, peace education, stress and coping in medical and business settings, immigrants and migrants, homelessness, psychology of happiness and well-being in disenfranchised groups, cross-cultural issues, Japan-Korea relations, Christian faith and community-building, pedagogical and psychological issues in secondary education, faculty well-being, language learning, social and emotional (non-cognitive) learning in university students and young adults, online learning, program evaluation methods, photo-voice methods, statistical modeling using HLM and SEM, meta-analysis, etc.

Details of the upcoming November 13 meeting are found in the attached flyer in both English and Japanese. Please register on the Google Form. All questions must be directed to Dr. Toshi Sasao (sasao@icu.ac.jp) or MS. Aomi Kuwayama (aokuwa147@gmail.com).



Toshi Sasao

CRAG an invitation 日本語版 CRAG An Invitation to a Monthly Research Meeting

CRAG An Invitation to a Monthly Research Meeting

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[Host: CRAG/Co-host: IERS] An Open Invitation to ICU Community Research & Action Group (CRAG) Institute for Educational Research and Service  Jp sitemap  En sitemap