List of news
- 2020-09-28Ended[Online Workshop] ICU Linguistics Colloquium: Prosody Series (Day 1 of 6)
(Open Lecture / Symposium / Workshop)
(Event Day:2020/10/10, 2020/10/24, 2020/11/07, 2020/11/21, 2020/12/05, 2020/12/19) - 2020-07-16ENDED[Updated] An Extended Deadline for Call for Papers Educational Studies Vol. 63 (ONLY Applied to the "Research notes" Category)
(Announcement) - 2020-07-15ENDEDIERS Summer Recess Schedule
- 2020-06-17ENDEDEducational Studies 63 Editorial Policy, Author Guidelines, and other documents
- 2020-06-05NEWPublication of Educational Studies Vol.62
- 2020-05-29EndedCALL FOR PAPERS:Educational Studies Vol.63
(Announcement) - 2020-05-27Ended[Online Joint Symposium] Showcasing of Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis at ICU
(AY2020) - 2020-05-08Ended[Online Workshop] Current trends in the interface between phonetics and phonology
(AY2020) - 2020-04-20NEWHow to relate to children who are not in school (Collection of materials)
(Announcement) - 2020-04-03Temporally Closing the Office