Past Asian Forum (2008-2012)

EventDay:2012-11-06 Published:2012-11-06

AsianForum 144th "近代日本の日記帳―人々の生の記録から何がわかるか―"

144th Asian Forum Tuesday, November 6, 2012 14:00-15:00 Honkan 251田中祐介 (Tanaka Yusuke)Research Fello... more

EventDay:2012-10-30 Published:2012-10-30

AsianForum 143th "The Role of Current State of Institutes of Literature in Korea Today"

143th Asian Forum Tuesday, October 30, 2012 14:00-15:00 Conference Room 203/204, Dialogue House 2F咸苔... more

EventDay:2012-10-09 Published:2012-10-09

AsianForum 142th "indigenous Indian software & traditional Japanese hardware in music: Indian raga on Japanese instruments koto & shakuhachi"

142th Asian Forum Tuesday, October 9, 2012 14:00-15:00 Honkan 402Tim Hoffman Native of USA, with 4 d... more

EventDay:2012-09-18 Published:2012-09-18

AsianForum 141th "Egypt’s Democratic Revolution and People of the Nile: The Arab Spring in the Context of Islamic History"

141th Asian Forum Tuesday, September 18, 2012 14:00-15:00 Conference Room 203/204, Dialogue House 2F... more

EventDay:2012-06-05 Published:2012-06-05

AsianForum 140th "Politics of the Living Dead: Lords and Inheritance in Tokugawa Japan"

140th Asian Forum Tuesday, June 5, 2012 14:00-15:00 Conference Room 203/204, Dialogue House 2F Luke ... more

EventDay:2012-05-01 Published:2012-05-01

AsianForum 139th "On the Concept of Sinicization (chugoku-ka): New Historical Paradigms and the Understanding of Present-day Realities"

139th Asian Forum Tuesday, May 1, 2012 14:00-15:00 Conference Room 203/204, Dialogue House 2FYonaha ... more

EventDay:2012-04-17 Published:2012-04-17

AsianForum 138th "Experts and Environmental Knowledge in 1960s and 1970s Japan"

Asian Forum Tuesday, April 17, 2012 14:00-15:00 Conference Room 203/204, Dialogue House 2FSimon Aven... more

EventDay:2012-02-14 Published:2012-02-14

AsianForum 137th "the Meiji Restoration, the International System and the End of Dynastic Rule"

137th Asian Forum Tuesday, Feburary 14, 2012 14:00-15:00 Honkan 253Eskildsen Robert J. F. Oberlin Un... more

EventDay:2012-01-24 Published:2012-01-24

AsianForum 136th "Representations of Japan in Hollywood films: Cultural communication or Lack of communication?"

136th Asian Forum Tuesday, January 24, 2012 14:00-15:00 Conference Room 203/204, Dialogue House 2F M... more

EventDay:2011-11-08 Published:2011-11-08

AsianForum 135th "Musicians West and East: Where did Medieval European Musicians Come From?"

Asian Forum Tuesday, November 8, 2011 14:00-15:00 Conference Room 203/204, Dialogue House 2F上尾信也 (Ag... more

EventDay:2011-10-18 Published:2011-10-18

AsianForum 134th "Robert Bellah’s Organic Community"

134th Asian Forum Tuesday, October 18, 2011 14:00-15:00 Conference Room 203/204, Dialogue House 2FAm... more

EventDay:2011-09-13 Published:2011-09-13

AsianForum 133th "Bach to Japan: Reflections on Teaching and Rewriting the Cultural History of Japan"

133th Asian Forum Tuesday, September 13, 2011 14:00-15:00 Conference Room 203/204, Dialogue House 2F... more

EventDay:2011-06-14 Published:2011-06-14

AsianForum 132th "Human Emotions and Community in the Literary Thought of the Sorai School and Kokugaku"

132thAsian ForumTuesday, June 14, 201114:00-15:00Conference Room 203/204, Dialogue House 2FPeter Flu... more

EventDay:2011-05-24 Published:2011-05-24

AsianForum 131th "Modern Japan and “Otome” Culture as Seen in Girl’s Magazines"

131thAsian Forumian ForumTuesday, May 24, 201114:00-15:00Conference Room 203/204, Dialogue House 2F嵯... more

EventDay:2011-04-19 Published:2011-04-19

AsianForum 130th "Tsunami and Recovery: A Report on 10 Days of Volunteer Work in Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture"

130thTuesday, April 19, 201114:00-15:00Conference Room 201/202, Dialogue House 2F西田昌之 (Nishida Masay... more

EventDay:2011-01-18 Published:2011-01-18

AsianForum 129th 「内務官僚の戦時と戦後 ―「安積得也関係文書」を読む」

129th2011年1月18日 火曜日14:00-15:00本館 251松田忍(Matsuda Shinobu)昭和女子大学人間文化学部非常勤講師 満園勇(Mitsuzono Isamu)日本学術振興... more

EventDay:2010-10-22 Published:2010-10-22

AsianForum 128th "The Empire of the Morality-Righteousness(道義): Yi T’oegye(李退渓) and the Discourse of the Morality-Righteousness in Postwar Korea and Japan"

128th2010年10月22日 金曜日12:50-13:40東ヶ崎潔記念ダイアログハウス 中会議室 203,204号室姜海守(かん・へす)韓国啓明大学国際学研究所 専任研究員「<道義の帝国>論の射程... more

EventDay:2010-06-25 Published:2010-06-25

AsianForum 127th 「中国における『菊と刀』のヒットに見られる文化ブーム」

127thFriday, June 25, 201014:00-15:00Room 251, Honkan, ICUProf. 郭連友 (Guo Lianyou)教授、中国北京外国語大学日本学研究セン... more

EventDay:2010-05-18 Published:2010-05-18

AsianForum 126th "India-Japan and the Rise of Asia"

126thTuesday, May 18, 201014:00-15:00Room 201, Honkan, ICUProf. Brij TankhaProfessor of Modern Japan... more

EventDay:2010-02-16 Published:2010-02-16

AsianForum 125th 「中国の悪女伝説」

125thTuesday, Feburary 16, 201014:00-15:00Room 251, Honkan, ICU牧角悦子 (Makisumi Etsuko)二松学舎大学 文学部教授 「中... more

EventDay:2010-01-26 Published:2010-01-26

AsianForum 124th "The Allure of Loneliness: Suffering and Longing for Self-Differentiation in the Modern Era"

124thTuesday, January 26, 201014:00-15:00Room 251, Honkan, ICU眞嶋亜有 (Majima Ayu)ハーバード大学アソシエイト/国際基督教大学... more

EventDay:2009-11-10 Published:2009-11-10

AsianForum 123th "Performing language, culture and identities: disinvention and reconstitution of language and culture"

123thTuesday, November 10, 200914:00-15:00Room 252, Diffendorfer Memorial Hall West Wing, ICU尾辻恵美 (E... more

EventDay:2009-10-06 Published:2009-10-06

AsianForum 122th "The pleasure of grammar: A Hypermedia Dictionary of Japanese Grammar"

122thTuesday, October 6, 200914:00-15:00Room 252, Diffendorfer Memorial Hall West Wing, ICUMarcella ... more

EventDay:2009-06-02 Published:2009-06-02

AsianForum 121th "Global Shamanism in context: the Itako in Northeastern Japan and the Mikishi in Southeastern Democratic Republic of Congo"

121thTuesday, June 2, 200914:00-15:00Room 203, HonkanFELIX ULOMBE KAPUTUResearch Fellow, Institute o... more

EventDay:2009-05-26 Published:2009-05-26

AsianForum 120th "Chosŏn Korea as Little China as Seen through the Sadae Kyorin Policy in the Seventeenth Century"

120thTuesday, May 26, 200914:00-15:00Room 265, HonkanJeong-Mi Lee (李 正美)Lecturer, Meiji Gakuin Unive... more

EventDay:2009-03-12 Published:2009-03-12

AsianForum 119th "Konbini: Towards an Anthropology of an Emergent Global Retail Template"

119thTuesday, May 12, 200914:00-15:00Room 252, Diffendorfer Memorial Hall West Wing, ICUGavin H. Whi... more

EventDay:2009-02-03 Published:2009-02-03

Asian Forum 118th "Locating Okinawa: Tradition and Innovation in New Okinawan Music"

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Asian Forum (2008)

117thToshihiro Minohara (簑原俊洋)Professor, Graduate School of Law and Politics, Kobe UniversityTuesday... more

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