
国際基督教大学学報 IV-B

International Christian University Publication IV-B
Humanities: Christianity and Culture

アルトジウスとウィリアムズの良心と寛容論 ― 今日の憲法学への示唆 ―. . . . . 笹川紀勝

[Althusius' and Williams' Theory on Conscience and Toleration, and the Suggestion to Today's Studies on Constitutional Law. . . . . . Norikatsu Sasagawa]





誤れる良心の寛容論 ― 中世から近世への神学的系譜―. . . . . . 森本 あんり
[Tolerating Erroneous Conscience: A Living Legacy of Medieval Theology. . . . . . Anri Morimot]






森有正における哲学と歩むこと. . . . . . 田中 敦
[Philosophy and Walking in the Writings of Arimasa Mori. . . . . . Atsushi Tanaka]

  In the present article the essential parallels between philosophical inquiries of Arimasa Mori and those of Martin Heidegger will be discussed with special focus on the ideas of "ontological argument" and "agnosticism" in Mori's thought. It will be no wonder if objections should be raised saying that Mori is just an essayist having written many journals and itineraries but never a serious philosopher. But how one is generally accepted is not important, but whether he or she in fact searched for philosophical issues seriously and it is also clear that an authentic judgment in this regard demands concrete and close examination of the individual contents and subject-matters.

  It is true that Mori is suspicious of the creative nature of philosophy. In comparison with the works of art, he cannot but find in philosophy and its works a methodical and reflective character which prevents one from encountering with reality in an immediate manner. But Mori's view of philosophy is not flat. He also sees as its possible meaning a kind of human's behavior in direct confrontation with reality. He even says that such philosophy is real one. Here we meet a radical coincidence with the concept of sciences defined by Heidegger in opposition to his teacher Husserl, namely sciences in the sense of having, as ways of behavior of human beings, this being's kind of being.

  With regard to reading and understanding philosophical texts, Mori uses a peculiar phrase like "let Pascal go back to himself". Real understanding or comprehension is not just collecting and obtaining author's thoughts from the books, but letting the author to go back to him-/herself. It is quite interesting and important to show that there is also a parallel in Heidegger's thought. Heidegger tells in connection with the real difficulty in comprehending Nietzsche's thought the process of discovering, finding and finally loosing it. To discover an author's thought as something already known does not mean that it is already found out and finding it does not mean that it is understood in real sense. To come to comprehension one must further loose it in the sense to be thoroughly liberated from it.

  According to Mori, this letting an author to go back to him-/herself can only be attained, when the reader comes back to him-/herself. This coming back to oneself of a reader means that he or she must be freed from the prejudices which according to Mori nothing other than the struggle of oneself within and against oneself. This characteristic process is further developed and widened to more general trait in seeing artistic works like paintings, sculptures and church buildings or even landscapes. This kind of becoming truly oneself by way of encountering with and knowing some object is called by Mori "Keiken" (progressive and deepening experience) in distinction from "Taiken" (hardened and outward experience). Mori himself, started his career as Descartes scholar, found out in his concept of Keiken a similar structure and movement of thought with what Hegel in his Phenomenology of Mind developed and sees even a fundamental coincidence of central issues of philosophy between Descartes and Hegel.

  The idea of Keiken is to be interpreted as an act of approach to reality or existence, which Mori characterizes with the word like walking or step forward. A sort of an open space which makes possible such searching in the form of approach is depicted by Mori with such names like a hole, a slit, a crack or a gap. In this connection "agnosticism" holds a meaning of the attitude to keep such a hole open to make search possible and "ontological argument" signifies the efforts to fill out the hole in keeping always in touch with a kind of resistance from the reality. The tension between the both constitutes the struggle of oneself with oneself.

  Since philosophy can be characterized as the struggle or fight against sophists, Keiken in the form of struggle of oneself with oneself is nothing but such a struggle against sophists, because they are not some alien persons but those who can be and are always met within ourselves.

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