The Varieties of Self-Cultivation in Asian Religion

Saturday,June 6,2015


Sponsored by IACS, ICU

(The Varieties of Self-Cultivation in Asian Religion)

Saturday, Jun 6, 2015
Administration Building (Honbuto) 204, ICU


Throughout the history of Asian religions, self-cultivation has played a central role as a means of addressing and coping with the conditions of human existence in this world. There are multiple objectives that self-cultivation is typically concerned with. These can include the honing of moral virtues essential to one’s existence as a social being, the enhancement of health and well-being essential to living out one’s allotted lifespan, or the gaining of mystical experience by which one unites with the Divine or the Absolute. In this seminar three internationally active researchers will present data and analysis pertaining to self-cultivation as occurring in their respective fields of specialization. Collectively, their findings should provide an opportunity to understand the dynamics of Asian religions in their multiplicity.

Program (各発表は紹介・質疑応答(5分目安)を含む)
14:00-14:10 古藤友子(国際基督教大学アジア文化研究所所長)
Koto Tomoko (Director, IACS)
開会挨拶 (Opening Speech)
14:10-14:55 上座部仏教における修養
(Self-Cultivation in Theravada Buddhism)
Baba Norihisa (Associate Professor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo)
要旨 (Abstract)
15:00-15:45 道教全真教における修養法—六代宗師尹志平の語録に基づいて
(Self-Cultivation in Quanzhen Daoism: As Described in the Recorded Sayings of Sixth Patriarch Yin Zhiping)
Stephen E. Eskildsen (North Callahan Distinguished Professor of Religion, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga)
要旨 (Abstract)
15:50-16:10 休憩&ティーブレイク (Tea Break)
16:10-16:55 近代日本における修養と身体文化
(Self-Cultivation and Physical Culture in Modern Japan)
Yoshinaga Shin’ichi (Professor, Maizuru National College of Technology)
要旨 (Abstract)
17:00-17:30 総合ディスカッション (General Discussion)


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