
国際基督教大学学報 IV-B


International Christian University Publication IV-B
Humanities: Christianity and Culture

ヨブ記とヤハウィスト. . . . . . 並木 浩一

[The Book of Job and Yahwist. . . . . . Koichi Namiki]





The Present and the Past in the Religious History of the United States. . . . . . David D. Hall (John Bartlett Research Professor, Harvard Divinity School)

   Christianity in the United States is undergoing several transitions, or so it is argued in provocative and important books published in recent years (many more such books have appeared than could be cited in this essay). This essay describes three such reports, each significantly different from the other; and after doing so, takes up the question of how recent developments and conflicts within Christianity in the United States affect the work of historians, a question answered by looking at the "separation of church and state," a deeply contested matter in recent scholarship and popular polemics; the history and significance of evangelicalism and "Fundamentalism," as these too have been debated among historians; transformations of "spirituality" or certain kinds of practice, intersecting with the emergence of a consumer culture; and, much more briefly, the history of the Puritan movement as it has been recently debated and rethought.

   Two conclusions emerge from this review of debates about Christianity in America, past and present. The first concerns the "decline" of what are known as "mainstream" Protestant denominations or theologies. It is certain that the influence and size of these denominations is not what it used to be, but their decline has not necessarily made the United States less "Christian"--merely, Christian in unexpected or novel ways, like those associated with Pentecostalism or spiritual "seeking." The second conclusion is that a major question like the meaning of church and state in the United States is being answered quite differently depending on one's theological or political affiliation; i.e., all attempts to settle, once and for all, the meaning of church and state (as though the Constitution did this for us) are vain, because debate arises out of different expectations for what religion should be doing, politically.

The History and Potential of the Field of Literature in Liberal Arts Education. . . . . . John Lee (Senior Lecturer, University of Bristol)

   The paper offers some thoughts on the history and role of Liberal Arts Education in English Higher Education and, to a lesser extent and by way of comparison, in American four-year university and college education. It suggests that the Liberal Arts are in surprisingly good health, thanks to their continued appeal to a governing and privileged elite. At the same time it sees the Liberal Arts cultural importance as residing in their promotion of a humane scepticism which is generally adversarial to some of the main utilitarian and technocratic currents of the day, and suggests that the essay is the key pedagogic form by which this sceptical stance is inculcated. 

比較言語の視点から見た 新共同訳聖書の翻訳の問題. . . . . . 小泉 仰 (慶應義塾大学名誉教授)

[Some Issues on Translations of the Bible from the Viewpoint of Comparative Linguistics. . . . . . Takashi Koizumi (Professor Emeritus, Keio University)]

   I have tried in this paper to deal with some issues on translations of the Bible by comparing Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, Greek, Latin, German, English, French and Japanese one another from the viewpoint of comparative linguistics. For this purpose, I selected Jeremiah chapter 7 paragraphs 1-11, Jeremiah chapter 8 paragraph 11 and Jeremiah chapter 28 paragraph 9 in the Old Testament on the one hand, and adopted 1 Thessalonians chapter 2 paragraph 7 and 1 Peter chapter 1 paragraphs 1-11 in the New Testament on the other hand, for these paragraphs stimulated my interest particularly from the viewpoint of comparative linguistics. And I have reached some provisional conclusions as follows:

   1. Since the translations of the Bible depend upon what sort of texts the translators adopted as their own authoritative sources, what sort of languages they used in translation, and what sort of culture they belonged to, it is desirable for us to refer to various languages as far as possible in order to understand the Bible more objectively.

   2. I find that my own analytical viewpoint itself depends upon my mother language, my own culture and times I live in.

  3. We find certain tendency in a history of translations of the Bible that the languages of original Biblical texts were ambivalent or multivocal, while the languages of translations in modern or present-day period are inclined to be univocal. Therefore, we have to give whole attention to avoid misinterpretation of the Bible which we are open to particularly in the case of translating the Bible consisting of ancient ambivalent or multivocal languages into modern univocal languages.

History and Religion at the Service of Politics in Augustan Rome: A General Approach. . . . . . Vaios Vaiopoulos (Assistant Professor, Ionian University)

   This paper is a short and general approach of the Augustan religious reform project, which goes hand in hand with the effort to reinforce historical memory in combination with the conservation or the shaping of a Roman identity concerning not only Rome but the entire Italian peninsula. Revival of old customs and religious ritual, reparation, renovation and conservation of old temples and shrines, restitution of priests' collegia, cult of traditional deities or emphasis on new ones, are developments working in parallel with the enlightenment of specific aspects of Roman past more or less clearly demonstrating the importance of the princeps' role.

中世的寛容論から見た ニューイングランド社会の政治と宗教. . . . . . 森本 あんり

[New England Puritanism in the Context of Medieval Toleration. . . . . . Anri Morimoto]



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