・Forthcoming Lectures
・Records of History of Science Open Forum
Lecturers belong to ICU, unless otherwise specified (titles as of lecture date)
Discipline names indicate fields of study, not necessarily of teaching
Chronological Index of ICC Lectures
■ Special Open Lecture
■ Thematic Lecture Series
・Humanities: The Next Fifty Years
・What is the Proprium of the Humanities?
・Time, Space and Travel
■ History of Science Open Forum
■ Special Open Lecture
The 19th Conference of the Japanese Association for the Study of Puritanism*
Date: June 15th, 2024
Changing Narratives: The Gaza Strip Conflict from a Drama Perspective*
Lecturer: Ms. Hadar Galron(Bar Ilan university, Drama)
Date: Novermber 6th, 2023
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Symposium: Religion in the Scottish Enlightenment*
Keynote Lecture: "The Design of Providence: Thomas Reid on the Uses and Abuses of Political Science"
Lecturer: James Foster (Sioux falls University, Philosophy and Theology)
Introduction: Naoki Yajima (ICU, Philosophy)
Responder 1: Jeremiah L. Alberg (ICU, Philosophy)
Responder 2: Hiroko Aoki (Chuo University, History of Social Thought)
Responder 3: Daisuke Arie (Yokohama National University, History of Social Thought)
Date: November 4th, 2023
* Co-organized by ICU Social Science Research Institue
*This symposium was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 20H01180.
*Principal Investigator: Naoki Yajima
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Aristophanes after the Peloponnesian War*
Lecturer: Professor Emeritus Mariko Sakura(University of Tokyo, History of Ancient Greece)
Date: October 28th, 2023
* Co-organized by Pedilavium Society
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Symposium: Perspective on Nature and Environmental Ethics in the Old Testament*
Date: September 29th - October 1st, 2023
Lecture I: Dr. Raymond F. Person, Jr., “Down in the Dirt with Deuteronomy: A Pig Farmer Reflects on Writing a Commentary”
Lecture Ⅱ: Dr. Mari Joerstad, “I Have Healed These Waters: An Exploration of Contributions of Animism to Biblical Studies”
Lecture Ⅲ: Dr. Hilary Marlow, “The Land, the Poor and the Rich: An Ecojustice Reading of the Book of Amos”
Lecture Ⅳ: Dr. Eckart Otto, “Nature, Law, and Dominance as Keys to an Environmental Ethics in Ancient Near Eastern Mythology, Biblical Theology, and Greek Philosophy”
Lecture I: Dr. Kevin Chau, "Brotherly Nature and Nature Metaphors in Jacob’s Farewell Poem"
Lecture Ⅱ: Dr. Yoshinori Sano: "The Functions of the Earth in Hesiodic Epics”
Lecture Ⅲ: Dr. Monica Melanchthon, “Joshua 5:2-12: ‘Ceremony of Arrival’: Implications for the Israelites, the Land, and the Natives”
Lecture I: Dr. Ryosuke Fujinuma, “Do We Understand the Time for Everything?”
Lecture II: Dr. Eckhard Hitzer, “Man’s Influence on Nature Viewed through the Lenses of Science and Old Testament”
Lecture Ⅲ: Dr. Johannes Unsok Ro, “‘Give Ear, O Heavens, and I Will Speak’: The Non-human Realm in Deuteronomy”
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Lecturer: Professor Emeritus Tzvetana Kristeva (ICU, Japanese Literature)
Date: September 25th, 2023
* Co-organized by Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Against Compulsory (Hetero-)Sexuality: From Asexual Perspectives*
Date: 7th October 2023
Hosted by Center for Gender Studies
Revisiting David Hume's review of the Rev. Robert Henry's History of Great Britain*
Lecturer: Prof. Mark Spencer (Brock University, History)
Date: 30th May 2023
Place: University Hall (Honkan) H-316
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Hume’s Epistemology and the Notion of Virtue*
Lecturer: Dr. Taro Okamura (History of Early Modern Philosophy, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, the University of Tokyo / JSPS Research Fellow)
Date: 14th March 2023
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Workshop: A Digital Humanities Approach to Asian Catholic Culture*
Date: February 16th-17th, 2023
*Sponsored by ICU Institute of Social Science
*You can download the poster1 from <HERE>
*You can download the poster2 from <HERE>
*You can download the poster3 from <HERE>
Workshop: Christianity and Social Changes in East Asia*
Date: November 26, 2022
* Co-sponsored by ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Symposium: Perspectives on Nature and Environmental Ethics in the Deuteronomistic History*
Date: October 31st, November 2nd&4th
Lecture I: "How Much Did the Crisis of 597 BCE Trigger an Interest for Environmental Questions"
Lecturer: Dr. Thomas Römer (Collège de France, Old Testament Studies)
Lecture II: "DNI Bible Project: The Dictionary of Nature Imagery of the Bible, An Introduction"
Lecturer: Dr. Dalit Rom-Shiloni (Tel Aviv University, Old Testament Studies)
Lecture I: "Among the Creatures: Other-Than-Human Creatures in Israel's Legal Corpus"
Lecturer: Dr. Mari Joerstad (Vancouver School of Theology, Old Testament Studies)
Lecture II: "Nature Metaphors and Memory in the Pentateuch's Poetry"
Lecturer: Dr. Kevin Chau (University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, Old Testament Studies)
Lecture I: "The Views of Natural Environment in Hesiodic Epics"
Lecturer: Dr. Yoshinori Sano (ICU, Classics)
Lecture II: "Animate Nature in Deuteronomy and Deuteronomistic History: Focusing on Heaven and Earth"
Lecturer: Dr. Johannes Unsok Ro (ICU, Old Testament Studies)
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
War and Peace in the Hebrew Bible*
Lecturer: Dr. Thomas Römer (Collège de France, Old Testament Studies)
Date: November 1st (Tuesday)
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Reconciliation: A Christian Vision of Justice, Peace, and Healing*
Lecturer: Chris Rice, PhD (Director of the Mennonite Central Committee United Nations Office in New York City, former director of the Duke Divinity School Center for Reconciliation)
Date: 8th June, 2022
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
An Overview of Rousseau's Theory of Democratic Practice*
Lecturer: Prof. Christopher Kelly (Political Science, Boston College)
Date: 24th May, 2022
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Rousseau’s Critique of the Enlightenment and Kant’s Response: the Critique of Pure Reason*
Lecturer: Prof. Richard Velkley (Philosophy, Tulane University
Date: 25th May, 2022
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Rousseau and Kant: Philosophical, Political, and Aesthetic Relations*
Date: May 25th, 2022
Lecturer Ⅰ: Prof. Christopher Kelly (Political Science, Boston College)
Lecturer II: Prof. Richard Velkley (Philosophy, Tulane University)
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Political Economy in the Scottish Enlightenment*
A conference sponsored by International Christian University and the Institute for the Study of Scottish Philosophy
Invited Speakers: Christopher Berry (University of Glasgow, Emeritus) Shinichi Nagao (Nagoya University, Emeritus) Tatsuya Sakamoto (Waseda University) Zisai Lin (Zhejiang Normal University)
Date:March 25th-26th 2022
History Lessons—The Present of Feminist/Queer Film Curation in Japan*
Speakers: Sho Akita (Normal Screen), Inoue Emiko (subversive records, researcher of modern and contemporary art history), Kanno Yuka (Doshisha University), Nakanishi Kanako (subversive records, film programmer), Hamasaki Fumina (subversive records, researcher of feminism and art)
Date: March 6th 2022
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Reading Sexual Selection Theory as “Darwin’s Aesthetics” with Reference to Kant*
Lecturer: Dr. Hitomi Goromaru (Lecturer, Tama Art University, Aesthetics)
Date: February 25th 2022
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Chinkon Kishin Methods of Miyagishima Kinsaku wit hin the Shinto Miho Church*
Dr. Eiko Namiki (Waseda University, Daoist Studies)
Date: February 24th 2022
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
The 16th Conference of the Japanese Association for the Study of Puritanism*
Date: June 19th, 2021
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
The Belief in Immortals and Immortality in China*
Lecturer: Prof. Yuria Mori (Waseda University, Daoist Studies)
Date: January 29th, 2021
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
The "spiritual" on trial: An analysis of court cases involving fortune-tellers and psychics in Japan*
Lecturer: Dr. Ioannis Gaitanidis (Chiba University, Japanese Studies & Sociology of Region)
Date: February 2nd, 2021
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Symposium: Modernity and Christianity: Charles Taylor's A Secular Age*
Introduction: Prof. Naoki Yajima(ICU)
Lecture: Emiritus Prof. Shin Chiba(ICU, History of Political Thought)
Lecture Title: "The Light and Shade of Western Modernity: What can be seen from Taylor's Theory of Secularization"
Response 1: Prof. Ryuichi Yamaoka(Open University of Japan)
Response 2: Associate Prof. Hiroshi Takada(Okayama University)
Response 3: Prof. Takashi Kibe(ICU)
Date: February 20th, 2021
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Lecturer: Emiritus Prof. Atsushi Tanaka (ICU, Western Philsophy)
Date: February 26th, 2021
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Collective Memory and Crisis Management: The Deuteronomistic History between the Priestly and Prophetic Literature*
Lecturer: Professor Thomas Römer, University of Lausanne (Theology)
Date: April 23, 2019
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
[Lecture and Demonstration] The World of Traditional Japanese Culture: Noh*
Lecturers: Mr. Seigo Mikuriya, Noh Actor, Wakikata Shimogakarihôshô School, and Mr. Akira Sawada, Noh Musician, Taiko Drum Musician Kanze School
Date: May 9, 2019
* joint hosting with the course “The World of Traditional Japanese Culture” and ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
A Suspended Figure: Repetition and Duplication of the ‘Falling Man’ in the Fictions of 11 September 2001*
Lecturer: Professor Bertrand Gervais, Université du Québec à Montréal (French Literature)
Date: May 20, 2019
* Co-organizing with JICUF
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Rite and Creation*
(1) ”Performativity and Rituality of Mourning in Digital Art: A Formalisation of Temporality”
Lecturer: Professor Myriam Watthee-Delmotte, Université catholique de Louvain (Literary Criticism)
(2) ”Digital Rituals: The Walls of the Decased. Mourning and Memorials in a Screen Culture”
Lecturer: Professor Bertrand Gervais, Université du Québec à Montréal (French Literature)
Date: May 22, 2019
* Co-organizing with JICUF
Literature’s Ritual Commemoration: The Meanings of a Practice*
Lecturer: Professor Myriam Watthee-Delmotte, Université catholique de Louvain (Literary Criticism)
Date: May 30, 2019
* Co-organizing with JICUF
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
[Lecture and Demonstration] The World of Traditional Japanese Culture: Rakugo*
Lecturer: Mr. Kotatsu Irifunetei, Rakugo-ka [comic storyteller]
Date: May 30, 2019
* joint hosting with the course “The World of Traditional Japanese Culture” and ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
Prison Religion in Japan*
Lecturer: Dr. Adam Lyons, Postdoctoral Fellow at Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies
Date: May 31, 2019
* joint hosting with the course “Religions in Japan”
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
The Creation of the Greek Alphabet: A Socio-Evolutionary Model*
Lecturer: Professor Roger Woodard, University at Buffalo,The State University of New York (Classics)
Date: June 3, 2019
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
[Lecture and Demonstration] The World of Traditional Japanese Culture: Gidayu-bushi *
Lecturers: Ms. Koshiko Takemoto, tayu, and Ms. Kanya Tsuruzawa, Shamisen player
Date: June 6 , 2019
* joint hosting with the course “The World of Traditional Japanese Culture” and ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
Emergency Symposium “Academic Freedom and Gender Studies: The Case in Hungary and a Response in Japan”*
Keynote Speaker: Professor Andrea Peto (Department of Gender Studies, Central European University)
Respondent / Discussant: Professor Emeritus Mariko Adachi (Ochanomizu University), Assistant Professor Sonja Dale (Faculty of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University), Professor Yayo Okano (Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University), Associate Professor Chelsea Szendi Schieder (Faculty of Economics, Aoyama Gakuin University), Professor Akiko Shimizu (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo), Dr. Grace En-Yi Ting (Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Fellow), Professor James Welker (Department of Cross-Cultural Studies, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Kanagawa University)
Chair: Professor Natsumi Ikoma (Center for Gender Studies, ICU)
Date: June 8, 2019
* joint hosting with ICU Center for Gender Studies
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
From Athens to Edo: Virtue, Law and Christian Ethics in Comparative Context*
Lecturer: Professor Kevin Doak, Georgetown University (Japan Studies, Ethics)
Date: June 13, 2019
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
The Relationship between Jewish and Christian Martyrdom*
Lecturer:Professor Shmuel Shepkaru, the University of Oklahoma (Jewish Religious and Intellectual History)
Date: June 17, 2019
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Six Theological Topics in the Book of Job*
Lecturer: Professor Ha, Kyung-Taek (Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary, Old Testament)
Date: October 15th, 2019
Symposium: Dialogue between Philosophy and Theology in the Scottish Enlightenment*
(1) "Adam Smith and Religion"
Lecturer: Professor David Fergusson (The University of Edinburgh, Philosophy)
(2) "David Hume and Religion"
Lecturer: Professor Gordon Graham (Philosophy)
Date: October 16, 2019
* Sponsored by JICUF, and joint hosting with ICU ICC, ICU PRI, The Japanese Association for the Study of Puritanism
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Luther and Music*
Lecturer: Emeritus Professor Masakata Kanazawa (International Christian University, Musicology)
Date: October 26th, 2019
* joint hosting with Pedilavium Society
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Dangerous Memory in Nagasaki: Prayers, Protests and Catholic Survivor Narratives*
Lecturer:Associate Professor Gwyn McClelland (Monash University, Japanese History)
Date: December 5th, 2019
* joint hosting with the course “Philosophy of Religion”
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
How Qigong Works: Daoist Dimensions of Body and Mind*
Lecturer:Professor Emeritus Livia Kohn (Boston University, Daoist Studies)
Date:December 16th, 2019
* joint hosting with the course “The World of Eastern Thought”
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Faith and Love: A Powerful Pair in Luther's Theology*
Lecturer:Professor Martin Lohrmann (Wartburg Theological Seminary, Theology)
Date:January 8th, 2020
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
The Quality of Emperorship in 21st century Japan: Thoughts on the Reiwa Enthronement*
Lecturer:Professor John Breen (International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Japanese History)
Date:January 30th, 2020
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
"International Aid" to Earthquake-stricken Rhodes c. 227 BC: Polybios, Histories 5.88-90*
Lecturer:Mr. Kyouichiro Yamaguchi, Research Fellow at ICC
Date:February 10th, 2020
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
[Lecture and Demonstration] The World of Traditional Japanese Culture: Noh *
Lecturers: Mr. Seigo Mikuriya, Noh Actor, Wakikata Shimogakarihôshô School, and Mr. Akira Sawada, Noh Musician, Taiko Drum Musician Kanze School
Date: May 10, 2018
* joint hosting with the course “The World of Traditional Japanese Culture” and ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
[Lecture and Demonstration] The World of Traditional Japanese Culture: Kabuki *
Lecturer: Mr. Chôshi Nakamura, Kabuki Actor
Date: May 17, 2018
* joint hosting with the course “The World of Traditional Japanese Culture” and ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
The Invention of Democracy*
Lecturer: Professor Adele Scafuro, Brown University (Classics)
Date: June 6, 2018
* joint hosting with the course “Methods in Greek and Roman Classics”
[Lecture and Demonstration] The World of Traditional Japanese Culture: Gidayu-bushi*
Lecturers: Ms. Koshiko Takemoto, Tayu, and Ms. Kan’ya Tsuruzawa, Shamisen Player
Date: June 7, 2018
* joint hosting with the course “The World of Traditional Japanese Culture” and ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
The Invention of the Homicide Courts*
Lecturer: Professor Adele Scafuro, Brown University (Classics)
Date: June 13, 2018
* joint hosting with the course “Methods in Greek and Roman Classics”
Noh Production Kazuraki (The Third Noh Production with Ichiro-no-kai) *
Lecturers: Mr. Ichiro Nakamura, Noh Actor, Komparu School, et al.
Date: July 7, 2018
* joint hosting with Ichiro-no-kai, ICU Research Center for Global Language Education and ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies, cooperated with Waseda Komparu-kai and Dr. Mine’s Laboratory (Department of Advanced Information Technology, Graduate School and Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University)
The Relationship between “Life Science” and Music in the 18th Century: the Fashion and the Decline of Armonica, B. Franklin and F. A. Mesmer*
Lecturer: Dr. Harumi Tamura, Part-time lecturer of Toho College of Music
Date: October 9, 2018
An Inquirer who discloses the task or responsibility of philosophy in a clear and unmistakable way, without querying it as the theme. —Apology of Heidegger, of his own— *
Lecturer: Professor Emeritus Atsushi Tanaka (Western Philosophy)
Date: October 27, 2018
* joint hosting with Pedilavium Society, ICU Society for Philosophical Studies
"You are here": Textures of Place and "Living Maps"*
Lecturer:Dr. Monica Manolescu, Strasbourg University (American Literature)
Date: October 31, 2018
Religiosity in Japan*
Lecturer: Dr. Mark Williams, Vice-president of International Christian University
Date: November 1, 2018
* joint hosting with the course “Religions of the East”
Evening with Vocal Music and Vihuela*
Lecturers: Mr. Shigeo Mito, Vihuela player and part-time lecturer of Tokyo College of Music, and Ms. Yoshika Iwasaki, Vocalist
Date: November 9, 2018
* joint hosting with ICU Sacred Music Center
Christian meets Asia: the Past and Future -- Remembering Takeda (Cho) Kiyoko *
Date: November 24, 2018
* joint hosting with ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
Date:November 24, 2018
* joint hosting with ICU Center for Gender Studies
On Peace in Schweitzer’s Theology*
Lecturer: Professor Akira Kaneko, Oyasato Institute for the Study of Religion, Tenri University (Ethics)
Date: December 19, 2018
* joint hosting with ICU Peace Research Institute and the course “Metaphysics”
W. E. B. Du Bois and the Sacred Music of The Souls of Black Folk: Essays and Sketches (1903) -- Across the Centuries*
Lecturer: Dr. Nahum Dimitri Chandler, Professor at University of California, Irvine (Philosophy)
Date: January 21, 2019
* joint hosting with the course “American Prose II”
* Chandler - ICC Open Lecture Texts and Music Links are here: https://goo.gl/t7ReqA
English poetry in Japan: A Reading with Isober Press*
Lecturers : Dr. Paul Rossiter, Editer of Isobar Press and Professor Emeritus at University Tokyo (retired), Dr. Andrew Houwen, Associate Professor at Tokyo Women's Christian University, and Dr. Christopher Simons, Sinior Associate Professor *
Date: January 31, 2019*
* Joint hosting with the course "World of Literature"*
Immovable Delos Shaken: Delian Earthquake as an Omen of Calamity in Classical Antiquity*
Lecturer: Mr. Kyoichiro Yamaguchi, Research Fellow of ICC
Date: February 18, 2019
Professor Richard L. Wilson Valedictory Lecture
Rinpa: The Korin Style in the World*
Lecturer: Richard L. Wilson, Professor by Special Appointment (Art/ Archaeology)
Date: February 25, 2019
* Sponsored by Department of Humanities
* Joint hosting with ICU Institute for Christianity and Culture and the course “History of Japanese Art I”
Lecturer: Professor Hikaru Okuizumi, Kindai University. Novelist, Akutagawa Prize*
Date: February 25, 2019*
Professor Naoki Onishi Valedictory Lecture
W.S. Clark and Liberal Arts Education*
Lecturer: Naoki Onishi, Professor by Special Appointment (American Literature)
Date: February 25, 2019
* Sponsored by Department of Humanities
* Joint hosting with ICU Library Archives and Special Collections and ICU Institute for Christianity
Professor Emeritus Tatsuhiko Itoh Retirement Lecture
A Close-to-Final Lecture: Music, Life, Liberal Arts, and Haydn*
Lecturer: Tatsuhiko Itoh, Professor Emeritus (Music)
Date: March 9, 2019
* Sponsored by Department of Humanities
* Joint hosting with ICU Institute for Christianity
Hume's Naturalism and Scepticism
Lecturer: Associate Professor Peter J. E. Kail, Philosophy, St Peter's College, The University of Oxford
Panels: Professor Emerita Haruko Inoue (Sapporo University), Professor Naoki Yajima
February 15, 2018
* joint hosting with the course "Comparative Culture Research IV"
Supported by JSPS Invitation Fellowship for Research in Japan (Short-Term): Peter Kail (The University of Oxford), Kengo Miyazono (Hiroshima University).
Joint Symposium *
Detectives and Spies in the Arts
January 27, 2018
* Co-sponsored by ICU Center for Gender Studies
« JSPS-CNRS Colloque internatinal »
Statuts et marges dans les sociétés d’ordres : France et Japon, 16e-19e siècles *
November 24-26, 2017
* Co-sponsored by ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
(For detail cf. IACS website)
The Tripartite Soul and its Background: Plato’s Republic 4 *
Professor Douglas L. Cairns, Classics, The University of Edinburgh
October 25, 2017
* joint hosting with the course “Reading in Philosophy II”
Supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 16H03401
Double Vision in the Book of Job *
Professor Emeritus Koichi Namiki, OT Studies
October 7, 2017
* joint hosting with Pedilavium Society
From Night to Night: Apollo, Artemis and Hermes in the Iliad *
Associate Professor / Fellow Malcolm Davies, St John’s College, The University of Oxford, Classics
September 27, 2017
* joint hosting with the course “Reading in Philosophy II”
Supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 17K02602
Greek Myths and the Symposium *
Associate Professor / Fellow Malcolm Davies, St John’s College, The University of Oxford, Classics
September 25, 2017
* joint hosting with the course “Transcultural Studies II”
Supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 17K02602
Noh Production Hagoromo (The Second Noh Production with Ichiro-no-kai) *
July 8, 2017
Mr. Ichiro Nakamura, Noh Actor, Komparu School, et al.
* joint hosting with Ichiro-no-kai, ICU Research Center for Japanese Language Education and ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
cooperated with Waseda Komparu-kai and Dr. Mine’s Laboratory (Department of Advanced Information Technology, Graduate School and Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University)
[Lecture and Demonstration] The World of Traditional Japanese Culture: Kabuki *
Mr. Emisaburo Ichikawa, Kabuki Actor
June 15, 2017
* joint hosting with the course “The World of Traditional Japanese Culture” and ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
[Lecture and Demonstration] The World of Traditional Japanese Culture: Gidayu-bushi *
Ms. Koshiko Takemoto, Tayu, and Ms. Kan’ya Tsuruzawa, Shamisen
June 1, 2017
* joint hosting with the course “The World of Traditional Japanese Culture” and ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
The Spread of Non-Church Christianity throughout Japan: Magazines, Associations, and Networks
Assistant Professor Tatsuya Akae, Sociology and History of Japanese Thought, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
May 19, 2017
The Northern Kingdom: Archaeological and Historical Observations, with Emphasis on Megiddo
Professor Israel Finkelstein, Biblical Archaeology, Tel Aviv University
April 8, 2017
History, Historicity and Historiography in Ancient Israel
Professor Israel Finkelstein, Biblical Archaeology, Tel Aviv University
April 7, 2017
Jerusalem in Biblical Times, with Reference to the Proliferation of Writing in Judah *
Professor Israel Finkelstein, Biblical Archaeology, Tel Aviv University
April 7, 2017
* joint hosting with the course “Greek I”
The World of Traditional Japanese Culture: Stage Design of Kabuki *
Mr. Izumi Miwa, Stage Designer
February 13, 2017
* joint hosting with the course “The World of Traditional Japanese Culture” and ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
[Lecture and Demonstration] The World of Traditional Japanese Culture: Gidayu-bushi *
Ms. Koshiko Takemoto, Tayu, and Ms. Kan’ya Tsuruzawa, Shamisen
January 30, 2017
* joint hosting with the course “The World of Traditional Japanese Culture” and ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
[Lecture and Demonstration] The World of Traditional Japanese Culture: Noh *
Mr. Seigo Mikuriya, Noh Actor, Wakikata Hôshô School
December 22, 2016
* joint hosting with the course “The World of Traditional Japanese Culture” and ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
Guerín Academy: Public Talk by a Film Director José Luis Guerín *
Mr. José Luis Guerín, Film Director
November 18, 2016
* joint hosting with Humanities Department
Joint Symposium
Liminal Existence in Art and Literature
November 12, 2016 (Co-sponsored by ICU Center for Gender Studies)
The Fascination of the ‘Uncanny’: From The Book of Judith to Player Piano
Professor Mariko Enomoto, English Literature, Keisen University
The Allure of the Sirens: Ancient Greek Texts, Iconography, and Beyond
Professor Yoshinori Sano, Classics
Wanderers, Outcasts, and Necromancers: The Poet as Liminal Magician
Senior Associate Professor Christopher E. J. Simons, English Literature
De-Sexing Vampires / Slayers: Angela Carter’s Caricature of Vampire Narrative
Senior Associate Professor Natsumi Ikoma, English Literature
Liminality in Translation: The Metamorphic Landscapes of Leiko Ikemura
Associate Professor Daniela Kato, Anthropology / Art, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Liminality and Human-Animal Metamorphosis in Ana Maria Pacheco’s Works
Professor Mayako Murai, Comparative Literature, Kanagawa University
When a Woman Goes Rogue: Interrogation of Female Identity in Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (2015)
Mr. Munehito Moro, Film Studies, Master Candidate
Zombie: A Weak Monster and our Strong Body
Ms. Yuh-Chain Hung, Film Studies, Master Candidate, The University of Tokyo / Research Associate, CGS, ICU
The Vampire as a Political Minority: From Jews to Muslims in Vampire Television Dramas (The Strain and Penny Dreadful)
Assistant Professor Olivier Ammour-Mayeur, French Literature
Children in Theresienstadt Camp *
Ms. Michiko Nomura, Theresien wo Kataritsugu Kai
October 23, 2016
(Co-sponsored by ICU UNESCO Club and ICU Peace Research Institute)
* during ICU Festival 2016
Exhibition: Children in Theresienstadt Camp
(Co-sponsored by ICU UNESCO Club and ICU Peace Research Institute)
Exhibition 1
October 10 – 23, 2016
Ground Floor, Mildred Topp Othmer Library, International Christian University
Exhibition 2 *
October 22 – 23, 2016
rm. H-252, University Hall (Honkan), International Christian University
* during ICU Festival 2016
Shakespeare’s Time and Our Time: Focusing on Macbeth *
Ms. Tomoko Chino, Ph.D, English and Critical Theory, Former Professor of Himeji Dokkyo University
October 8, 2016
* joint hosting with Pedilavium Society and Rikkyo Jogakuin Mina-no-kai
Panel Discussion: Children in Theresienstadt Camp
October 7, 2016 (Co-sponsored by ICU UNESCO Club, and ICU Peace Research Institute)
Keynote Lecture: ホロコーストと子どもたち
Ms. Michiko Nomura, Theresien wo Kataritsugu Kai
Professor Yoko Mizuta, Linguistics
Professor Takashi Nishio, Public Policy
Former Professor Akihiro Chiba, Development Studies
John Toland and Anticlericalism from the Aspects of Religion, Politics, and Natural Philosophy
Ms. Reiko Mitsui, History of Ideas in Seventeenth Century England, Part-time Lecturer, Gakushuin University
July 8, 2016
Joint Symposium
Perspectives on Korean Missions to Japan: Their Legacy to Modern Japan and Korea
June 25, 2016 (Co-sponsored by ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies)
文淳嬉 研究教授(仁川大学校日本文化研究所)
許敬震 教授(延世大学校国文国語科)
髙橋博巳 名誉教授(金城学院大学)
落合弘樹 教授(明治大学文学部)
河宇鳳 教授(全北大学校人文大学史学科)
Noh Production Tsunemasa (The First Noh Production with Ichiro-no-kai) *
June 24, 2016
Mr. Ichiro Nakamura, Noh Actor, Komparu School
* joint hosting with Ichiro-no-kai and ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
cooperated with Waseda Komparu-kai and Dr. Mine’s Laboratory (Department of Advanced Information Technology, Graduate School and Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University)
The Golden Calf and the Deified Market: A Theological Perspective on Global Consumer Capitalism
Professor Harvey G. Cox Jr., History of Christianity and Theology, Hollis Research Professor of Divinity, Harvard Divinity School
May 6, 2016
Katachi-No-Bunka-Kai, the 64th Conference and The Fourth Conference on Dietary Culture
March 19, 2016 (Co-sponsored by Katachi-No-Bunka-Kai and ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies)
Style of Eating at Kenkoku University in Mancyukuo
Research Fellow / Research Institute Assistant Eriko Miyazawa, History of Modern Japan, ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
In-between Food and Nationalism: UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage and Food Culture
Associate Professor Atsuko Ichijo, Sociology, Kingston University
The KATACHI of Food Culture of NAKAHARA Chuya in Kyoto
Ms. Hiromi Kurahashi, History of Japanese Culture, Kyoto Chuya Club
Holy Trees in the East and West: Olive vs. Sal
Professor Emeritus Tsutomu Kaneko, History of Science, Osaka Prefecture University
How to Read The Wealth of Nations
Professor Jonathan Hearn, Political and Historical Sociology, The University of Edinburgh
February 24, 2016
Prof. Tomoko KOTO Final Lecture
礼書にみる儒学養老思想 *
Professor Tomoko Koto, Chinese Philosophy
February 12, 2016
* Joint hosting with Department of Humanities and Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
The Ambivalence of Human Wisdom: Genesis 2-3 as Sapiental Text *
Professor Konrad Schmid, OT Studies, Universität Zürich
December 18, 2015
* joint hosting with the course “Religion and Religiousness”
Ancient Near Eastern Literature and Its Reception and Reinterpretation in the Bible *
Professor Konrad Schmid, OT Studies, Universität Zürich
December 17, 2015
* joint hosting with the course “The World of Classics”
Symposium for History and Historicity
December 16, 2015
The Conquests of Jerusalem 597 BCE and 587 BCE in History and in Biblical Interpretation (2Kgs 24-25)
Professor Konrad Schmid, OT Studies, Universität Zürich
The Meeting of Croesus and Solon in Herodotus’ Histories I
Professor Yoshinori Sano, Classics
Did Jeremiah Preach at the Temple of Jerusalem in the Year 609 BCE?: An Inquiry into “Deuteronomistic Editorial Layers” in the Book of Jeremiah
Senior Associate Professor Johannes Unsok Ro, OT Studies
Joseph’s Second Dream: Towards a Biblical Theology of How God Acts in History
Professor Konrad Schmid, OT Studies, Universität Zürich
December 15, 2015
The Fifth Regular Conference on Dietary Culture: Dietary Culture and Identity
November 21, 2015 (Co-sponsored by ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies)
Beef and Wine: Letters of Jesuit Missionaries
Research Fellow Megumi Takasaki, ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies
The Popularity of Japanese Iron Kettle and Life Aesthetics: A Study on the Revival of Traditional Culture in Current China
Associate Professor Zheng Wei, Takushoku University
Origins of Zoni (New Year’s Miso Soup Containing Rice Cakes) and Natto-mochi (Rice Cake Containing Fermented Soybeans)
Professor Osamu Nakamura, Osaka Prefecture University
Joint Symposium
Fairy Tales — Their Legacy and Transformation: Gender, Sexuality, and Comparative Literature
November 7, 2015 (Co-sponsored by ICU Center for Gender Studies)
Key Note
Konoike Tomoko’s Wolf Girls in the Woods: Contemporary Japanese Fairy-Tale Adaptations in Conversation with the West
Professor Mayako Murai, Literature, Kanagawa University
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Motif of Disappearing Women in Japanese Mythology
Ms. Lindsay R. Morrison, Literature, Doctoral Candidate / Research Institute Assistant, ICU Center for Gender Studies
Foot-Loose and Fancy-Free: Song and Dance as Representations of Gender and Sexuality in Shakespeare’s Fairy Plays
Senior Associate Professor Christopher E. J. Simons, Literature
“By the side of the beast”: Animal Iconography and Iconoclasm in the Work of Paula Rego
Associate Professor Daniela Kato, Literature, Hiroshima Jogakuin University
Wolves and Witches: Sexual Outcasts in Angela Carter’s Fairy Tales
Senior Associate Professor Natsumi Ikoma, Literature, Senior Associate Professor / Director of ICU Center for Gender Studies
Round Table
Moderator: Natsumi Ikoma
Pitying Oedipus *
Professor Patrick Finglass, Classics, The University of Nottingham
October 19, 2015
* joint hosting with the course “Greek Language II”
Experiencing the World through Sound, Sight, and Touch: Transdisciplinary Dialogue between a Musician and a Life Scientist *
Professor Emeritus Satoshi Ogihara, Biology, Osaka University
Mr. Genzoh Takehisa, Keyboard Player / Composer
October 16, 2015
* ICU 60th Anniversary Project
joint hosting with ICU Sacred Music Center
Counting, Ancestral Relation, and Various Aspects of Language — Viewed from Frege’s Philosophy and Beyond *
Professor Emeritus Kazuyuki Nomoto, Analytic Philosophy, Tokyo Metropolitan University
October 10, 2015
* joint hosting with Pedilavium Society and ICU Society for Philosophical Studies
European Union — A Community of Values and Its Meaning in Times of Global Disorientation *
Prof. / Director Ludger Kühnhardt, Political Science, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn / Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung
May 26, 2015
* joint hosting with JICUF (Japan ICU Foundation) and ICU Peace Research Institute
The Third Conference on Dietary Culture
March 28, 2015 (Co-sponsored by ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies)
Rice and Japanese: From the Aspect of the Intellectual History of Shinto
Mr. Kota Saito, Doctoral Student, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo
The Life-World of Colonists: Concerning Manchurian Edition of Shufu no Tomo
Ms. Kyoko Ooka, Research Associate, Institute of Asian Cultural Studies, ICU / Doctoral Student, Graduate School of of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
The Kitchen in Nazi Germany: A Near-future of Dietary Culture
Associate Professor Tatsushi Fujihara, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
Humans and Humanity: Science and Values Today *
Professor Willem B. Drees, Philosophy of the Humanities, Tilburg University
March 20, 2015
* joint hosting: Conference “The Presence and Future of Humanity in the Cosmos: Why Society Needs both the Sciences and the Humanities”, John Templeton Foundation, Niwano Peace Foundation, United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, Wesley Foundation, Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, and JICUF (Japan ICU Foundation)
From Convert to Cradle: Exploring Generations of Lived Conservative Evangelicalism
Associate Professor / Research Fellow Susan B. Ridgely, American Religious History, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh / ICU
February 4, 2015
David Hume, Thomas Reid and Moral Realism
Professor Gordon Graham, Ethics / Philosophy of Religion, Henry Luce III Professor of Philosophy and the Arts, Princeton Theological Seminary
January 26, 2015
The Priestly Writing, Its Origin and Significance *
Associate Professor Christophe Nihan, OT Studies / History of Ancient Israel, Université de Lausanne
January 8, 2015
* joint hosting with the course “Biblical Studies I”
Royal Figure or Servant of the Temple? The High Priest after the Exile
Associate Professor Christophe Nihan, OT Studies / History of Ancient Israel, Université de Lausanne
January 7, 2015
The Forth Regular Conference on Dietary Culture
December 13, 2014 (Co-sponsored by ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies)
Jin Ping Mei (Gold Plum Vase) and Design in Dining Spaces: Its Text and Illustrations
Assistant Professor Takane Takai, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
The Tales for Children in the Seishoku (Macrobiotic) Movement in Showa Period
Mr. Junichiro Kuroda, Doctoral Student, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo
The Description of Diets in Novels: Shiga Naoya and Tanizaki Jun’ichiro
Professor Akira Ooka, Department of Business Administration, Tokyo Keizai University / Novelist
“War will be the concern for men”? - Hector in the Iliad VI Reconsidered *
Professor Emeritus Shigenari Kawashima, Classics
October 4, 2014
* joint hosting with Pedilavium Society
The Third Regular Conference on Dietary Culture
June 28, 2014 (Co-sponsored by ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies)
Eating Better: Asian Dietary Culture and Islam
Research Associate Yukari Sai, Organization for Islamic Area Studies, Waseda University
The Prohibition of Meat Diet in Bodhisattva Percepts and Japanese Idea
on the Attainment of Buddhahood by Plants and Trees
Professor Kosei Ishii, Komazawa University
Encountering Life through Hospice Care
Dr. Jun Hosoi, Hospice Kibō-kan, Vories Commemoration Hospital
Dark God: Cruelty and Violence in the Old Testament
Professor Thomas C. Römer, OT Studies, Collège de France / Université de Lausanne
May 9, 2014
The Second Conference on Dietary Culture
March 29, 2014 (Co-sponsored by ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies)
Drinking and Eating as Seen in Waka: Gulping Down the Sacred and the Worldly
Assistant Professor Robert Ono, Japanese literature, Japan College of Social Work
French Literature and Humble Diet: With a Focus on Beckett’s Theatre of the Absurd Trilogy
Professor Shoichiro Iwakiri, French literature
Regimens in Modern Japan
Professor Tokimasa Takeda, History of Scientific Thought in China, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
Society, Language and Ideas: Aspects of the Scottish Enlightenment
Associate Professor Hiroyuki Furuya, History / History of Economic Thought / Economic History, Faculty of Policy Sciences, Department of Policy Sciences, Tokushima Bunri University
December 13, 2013
The Emergence of Unitarianism in Antebellum America: Paradoxes and Possibilities
Professor David Hall, Bartlett Research Professor of New England Church History, Harvard Divinity School
November 13, 2013
Reading the Bible in an Age of Ecological Crisis
Professor Emeritus / Senior Scholar Richard Bauckham, NT Studies / Theology, University of St Andrews / Ridley Hall
June 21, 2013
Church and State in America: Constitution, Culture, and Theology
Professor Robin W. Lovin, Theology / Political Science, Southern Methodist University
June 12, 2013
Prof. Takeshi NAGATA Final Lecture
Adam – Christ: Longing for New Humanity
Professor Takeshi Nagata, NT Studies / Theology
February 21, 2013
Pondering the Complexities of the Cosmos: The Formation of Kagawa Toyohiko’s Interdisciplinary Mind
Dr. Thomas John Hastings, Senior Research Fellow in Science and Religion, Japan ICU Foundation
January 29, 2013
Nishida’s Philosophy and Christianity
Professor Yutaka Tanaka, Philosophy / Religion, Department of Philosophy, Sophia University
December 10, 2012
On A Reforming People
Professor Naoki Onishi, American Literature / American Studies
November 14, 2012
‘Civil Virtue’ and Christianity: Tokutomi Soho’s Critique of Fukuzawa Yukichi
Professor Junichi Umetsu, History of Economic Thought, School of Cultural and Creative Studies, Aoyama Gakuin University
October 19, 2012
Books, or the ‘public road’? The travel poetry of William Wordsworth
Associate Professor Christopher Simons, Literature
October 17, 2012
Redefinition of the Common Good and Skepticism toward the Divine Will: Some
Remarks about Commonweal Interview with John Rawls and his Posthumous Paper entitled “On My Religion”
Professor Takashi Kawamoto, Social Ethics, Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo
September 28, 2012
Qunihico Hashimoto (1904-1949) and Religion
Research Assistant Mari Saegusa, Modern Japanese Music History, Center for Music Research / Geidai Archive Center, Tokyo University of the Arts
September 21, 2012
Hume’s Concept of Nature: In reference to his “general points of view”
Professor Naoki Yajima, Philosophy
June 29, 2012
J.J. Rousseau’s Scandal
Professor Jeremiah L. Alberg, Philosophy
May 8, 2012
Irish Poetry Month
April 11-26, 2012
Openning Ceremony: Opening Remarks
Dr./President Hibiya Junko (ICU), Dr./Lecturer Peter McDonald, Literature, Christopher Tower Student of Poetry, Christ Church, Oxford
April 11
W.B. Yeats: Poetry, Legacy, and Inheritance
Dr./Lecturer Peter McDonald, Literature, Christopher Tower Student of Poetry, Christ Church, Oxford
April 12
An evening of poetry and music: The poetry of W.B. Yeats and Peter McDonald *
Reciter: Dr./Lecturer Peter McDonald, Literature, Christopher Tower Student of Poetry, Christ Church, Oxford
Piano: Dr. Aya Nishizono-Maher
April 13
* Sponsored by the Institute for Educational Research and Service, ICU
A Visit to ICU by the Irish Ambassador to Japan
Speaker: John Neary, Ambassador of Ireland
April 26
W.B. Yeats Exhibition ‘The Life and Works of William Bulter Yearts’
(Coutesy of the National Library of Ireland, Dublin)
April 11-26
‘Just as are the generations of leaves, such are those of men’ - Glaucus’ conception of life and death in the Iliad VI
Professor Emeritus Shigenari Kawashima, Classics
January 25, 2012
State and Church in Modern Japan: Ebina, Danjo; Uemura, Masahisa; Tanaka, Goji
Professor Emerita Akiko Yoshinare, Keisen University, History of Modern Japanese Political Thought / History of Christianity in Japan
December 16, 2011
Hume and Modern Natural Jurisprudence
Professor Kiyoshi Shimokawa, Gakushuin University, British Philosophy / Ethics / Political Philosophy
December 15, 2011
Uchimura Kanzo and Folk Song in the Meiji Era
Research Fellow of JSPS (PD) Kei Saito, Musicology / Japanese Music History
November 11, 2011
Socio-economic Structures of Judah and Its Neighbors in the Persian Period
February 17 – 19, 2011
Professor Avraham Faust, Biblical Archaeology, Bar-Ilan University
Professor Akio Moriya, Biblical Studies / OT Studies, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University
Associate Professor Johannes Unsok Ro, Biblical Studies / OT Studies, International Christian University
Senior Lecturer Oren Tal, Biblical Archaeology, Tel Aviv University
Senior Associate Professor Yoshinori Sano, Classics / Philosophy, International Christian University
Senior Lecturer Alexander Fantalkin, Biblical Archaeology, Tel Aviv University
History and Religion at the Service of Politics in Augustan Rome: A General Approach
Assistant Professor Vaios Vaiopoulos, Latin Literature and Culture, Ionian University
October 21, 2010
Kipling’s ‘The Absent-minded Beggar’
Senior Lecturer John Lee, English Literature, Bristol University
September 10, 2010
Some Considerations on Translation of the Bible from the Viewpoint of Comparative Languages
Professor Emeritus Takashi Koizumi, Ethics / Comparative Thought, Keio University, former professor of ICU
June 8, 2010
World of Azumakaido-Yotsuya-Kaidan *
Lecturer Kenji Yanai, History of Performing Arts and Culture, Kyoto University of Arts and Design
May 26, 2010
* joint hosting with the Department of Literature
Victorianising Vergil *
Professor Stephen Harrison, Classics, Oxford University
April 12, 2010
* joint hosting with the Department of Literature
Documentary Film: Le droit à la philosophie: les traces du Collège international de Philosophie *
Discussion: Principles of University, and Institusions: with the film Le droit à la philosophie
Lecturer Yuji Nishiyama, French Contemporary Thought, The University of Tokyo
Senior Associate Professor Yoshinori Sano, Classics
December 21, 2009
* joint hosting with Mr. Kohei Muto, Division of Arts and Sciences
A Month in the Life of John Calvin
Professor Elsie A. McKee, Church History, Princeton Theological Seminary
June 8, 2009
Charles James Fox and Heracles in Homer *
Fellow / Lecturer Malcolm Davies, Classics, St. John’s College / University of Oxford
April 14, 2009
* joint hosting with the Department of Literature
(No Lecture)
Antisemitism and Antijudaism: Life and Work of Jules Isaac (1877-1963)
Associate Professor Kenji Kanno, French literature, Tokyo Metropolitan University
February 1, 2008
The Old Testament as a Christian Sacred Book: Is the OT Necessary for Christianity?
Lecturer Satoshi Toda, History of Christianity, Hitotsubashi University
January 23, 2008
The Violence of God: Before and After
Professor Theodore W. Jennings, Jr., Biblical and Constructive Theology, Chicago Theological Seminary
December 12, 2007
What Can Literature Do in a Harsh Society?: Faces of Contemporary Israeli Literature
Professor Yasuko Murata, Hebrew Literature/Comparative Literature, Toho University
September 13, 2007
Bodies, Koans and Self-Cultivation: The Questions of Zen Ethics
Assistant Professor Gereon Kopf, Studies of Religion, Luther College
June 5, 2007
Questioning the Church and its ‘Sacredness': Criticism against the Church from a Lesbian Perspective
Rev. Yuri Horie, representative, the Ecumenical Community for Queer Activism
February 2, 2007 (Co-sponsored by the Center for Gender Studies, ICU)
Christian Ethics and American Culture: The Challenges of Sexuality
James A. Donahue, president and professor of ethics and theology of Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, Ca.
October 10, 2006
Religion and the American Presidency
Leo P. Ribuffo, Society of the Cincinnati George Washington Distinguished Professor of History, George Washington University
June 16, 2006
Telling the Story of Pain: Lamentations over the Destruction of Cities, from Jerusalem to Hiroshima/Nagasaki
Tom Sakon, lecturer of OT/TaNaKh studies, humanities division)
June 15, 2006
Pamela vs. Shamela: Parody and the ‘Rise’ of the English Novel
Takayuki Shima, associate professor of English literature, Jissen Women’s University
June 8, 2006
“Tit for Tat” or “the Other Cheek”?: An Assyriological View of Biblical Retribution and Forgiveness
Izumi Yoda, professor of Assyriology, OT/TaNaKh studies, Tokiwa University)
June 6, 2006
The Book of Job and Yahwist
Koichi Namiki, professor of OT Studies
February 25, 2006
Church and State in Early New England: Did the Puritans Believe in Liberty of Conscience?
David Hall, professor of church history,Harvard Divinity School
January 17, 2006
God’s Asian Names: Rendering the Bible God in Asian Contexts
Archie Chi Chung Lee, professor of theology, Chinese University of Hong Kong
June 13, 2005
“The General Point of View” in Hume’s Treatise
Naoki Yajima, associate professor of ethics, Keiwa University
June 6, 2005
A Story about “Holy Land”: Reading Mitri Raheb’s I am a
Palestinian Christian
Mika Yamamori, senior lecturer, Tel Aviv University (OT Studies)
February 4, 2005
The Birth of Monotheism in Ancient Israel, Revisited
Koichi Namiki, professor of Biblical Studies
December 17, 2004
The Birth of “Play”: From Aesthetics of Kant and Schiller to early Nietzche
Hitomi Goromaru, lecturer, Tama Art University
May 30, 2004 (Co-sponsorred by the ICU Society for the Study of Comparative Culture)
How Far Can Theology and Philosophy Dialogue
Osamu Sakai, professor emeritus of philosophy, Kyoto Univeristy
May 25, 2004
Intertexts in the Gospel according to Matthew
Ulrich Luz, professor emeritus of NT studies, Bern University
May 17, 2004
Lady Audley’s Colourful Secrets: Pre-Raphaelite Painting and the Sensation Novel
Clair Hughes, professor of literature
February 20, 2004 (farewell lecture)
Canons of American Fiction: Then and Now
Peter Rawlings, professor of literature, University of the West England, Bristol
Janurary 9, 2004
Ein Versuch zur Bildung einer interkulturellen Utopie — Die Naechstenliebe des Christentums und die Upanischaden in der schopenhauerschen Ethik
Chizuko Hashimoto, research fellow of philosophy, ICC
December 17, 2003
Baqashot: Quasi-liturgical Music of the Oriental Jewry in Jerusalem
Kumiko Yayama, ethnomusicology, lecturer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
October 17, 2003
Kanzo Uchimura’s Poetic Works in the 1890s
Yoshiya Imataka, former research fellow of history of Japanese thought and literature, Miyagi Gakuin / ICC
October 27, 2003
The Epistemological Foundation of Mutuality in British Empiricism
Naoki Yajima, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Keiwa University
May 26, 2003 (Co-sponsorred by the ICU Society for the Study of Comparative Culture)
Liberal Arts Education at High Schools of Prewar Japan
Professor Hideichi Fukuda (Division of Humanities, Japanese Literature)
2003/1/28 (Farewell Lecture, Co-sponsored by ICU Institute of Asian Cultural Studies)
St. Augustine on Freedom
Professor Masao Okano (Division of Humanities, Philosophy)
Fabruary 13, 2003 (Farewell Lecture)
Neoplatonism and the history of Western philosophy
Fumiaki Okazaki, professor of philosophy, Kanazawa University
January 28, 2003
You can download the poster from <HERE
“What colours do virtues wear?”: Cesare Ripa’s Iconologia
Aki Ito, assistant professor of Art, Humanities Division
January 21, 2003
You can download the poster from <HERE
Rembrandt-Leiden-Siebold connection
Willem van Gulik, professor of history of art, Universiteit Leiden
2002/11/4 (Co-sponsored with the Student Services Division)
Musical Life at Cathedrals and Chapels in the Church of England
Teruhiko Nasu, associate professor of musicology, Aoyama Gakuin University
October 25, 2002
Society and Religion in Wilhelmine Germany with Particular Reference to Adolf von Harnack
Friedrich Wilhelm Graf, professor of theology and ethics at Das Leibniz-Rechenzentrum der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
September 26, 2002
Hymnology in Japan
Shun’ichi Teshirogi, research fellow of hymnology
September 13, 2002 (Co-sponsored by the ICU Sacred Music Center)
Fading Kakure Kirishitan heritage on Goto islands
Megumi Takasaki, lecturer of religion and anthropology, Toyo University / ICU
January 22, 2002 (Co-sponsored by the ICU Society for the Study of Comparative Culture)
Leibniz, the Realist
Kiyoshi Sakai, professor of philosophy, Gakushuin University
December 17, 2001
Modernity in 18-century Japan: Eclectic Travelers Discovering a New Reality
Herbert Plutschow, professor of Japanese literature, University of California, Los Angeles
November 12, 2001
Panim (faces) in the Old Testament
Shigehiro Nagano, professor of OT studies, Keiwa College
October 30, 2001
Text and Image in Medieval English Religious Manuscripts
Takami Matsuda, professor of medieval English literature and history of ideas, Keio University
September 18, 2001
Heidegger’s Phenomenology of Technology
Hayo Krombach, research fellow of philosophy, Centre for the Philosophy of the Natural and Social Science, London School of Economics
June 15, 2001
An Encounter of Poetic and Religious Spirits in Interwar Japan
Yoshiya Imataka, former ICC fellow of Japanese thought, Miyagi Gakuin
January 26, 2001
Christianity: A Jewish Perspective
Rachel Elior, professor of Jewish mysticism, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
September 20, 2000
Diana, Princess of Wales, and British Identity
John Taylor, visiting professor, ICU/professor of history, Southern Illinois University
May 22, 2000
The East Comes West: Asian Religions in America
Carl T. Jackson, professor of history, University of Texas, El Paso
May 15, 2000 (Co-sponsored by the Graduate School of Comparative Culture)
Christian Intercultural Education in Hawaii
Ryo Yoshida, associate professor of history of music, Doshisha University
May 12, 2000 (Co-sponsored by the College-wide Program, College of Liberal Arts)
Politics and Religion in Islam: The Case of Suhrawardi
Norio Suzuki, assistant professor of Islamic studies/political philosophy, Aichi University
May 8, 2000
The Odyssey and the Sea: A Focus on the Salvation of Odysseus, the Wanderer
Shigenari Kawashima, professor of classics, ICU
March 4, 2000
You can download the poster from <HERE
The Benign God in Milton’s Paradise Lost
Kazuaki Saito, professor of English literature, ICU
February 15, 2000
You can download the poster from <HERE
God and the Nature in Jukichi Yagi’s Literature
Yoshiya Imataka, ICC visiting fellow of history of Japanese thought
January 11, 2000
Constantinos Cavafis, the man and the poet
Constantinos Vassis, poet, former ICC visiting fellow, former Greek ambassador to Japan
December 9, 1999
A Secret Visit: Goethe and the Swiss Pastor’s Wife
Adolf Muschg, novelist, former lecturer of German literature, ICU
November 2, 1999
*You can download the poster from <HERE>
Music in Blind Education of Meiji Japan
Shun’ichi Teshirogi, ICC visiting fellow of hymnology
October 20, 1999
You can download the poster from <HERE
Philosophy of History: Its Possibility, Meaning and Method
Atsushi Tanaka, professor of philosophy, ICU
September 24, 1999
Man, Nature and God in To the Lighthouse: Virginia Woolf and Plato
Takako Niwa, professor of English and English literature, Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine
December 9, 1998
You can download the poster from <HERE
Music and Missions: Christianity and School Music in Meiji Japan
Shinichi Teshirogi, history of Christian music in Japan, Ferris University
May 28, 1998
Bible in the American Public School’s Classroom
Benjamin C. Duke, professor of education, ICU
May 19, 1998
The Protestant Century: Christianity in Japan, quo vadis?
Stuart D.B. Picken, professor, Nagoya University of Commerce and Business Administration
February 13, 1998
An Issue of the Oral Torah in Medieval Jewish Philosophy: Maimonides vs. Crescas
Isaiah Teshima, lecturer of Hebrew Bible, Rikkyo University
November 11,1997
Modern Greek Literature: Its Background and Main Features
Constantinos Vassis, poet essayist and former Greek ambassador to Japan
June 5, 1997
Christians in Muslim Spain: Attempts at Co-existence in 9th Century Cordoba
Adachi Kaori, Ph.D., ICU Graduate School of Comparative Culture, 1997
May 9, 1997
New Perspective on the Decalogue
Yasumasa Ono, professor of Old Testament studies, Kwassui Women’s College
December 13, 1996
Why Doesn’t Biblical Hebrew Have Words for evil, fear, or anger? — A Linguistic Analysis
John Myhill, associate professor of English department, University of Haifa
September 27, 1996
Besieged LDS Intellectuals: The Mormon Encounter with Modern Secular Thought
Hiroshi Takahashi, professor of American studies and comparative culture, Shukutoku University
June 14, 1996
Christian Understanding of Freedom
Earnest Gordon, Dean of the University Chapel, emeritus, Princeton
May 21, 1996 (Co-sponsored with the Religious Center)
Monuments of the Early Christian Period in Bulgaria and South-East Europe
Julia Valeva, senior research member, Institute of History of Art, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
May 14, 1996
The Significance of the Christian University Today
John B. Cobb, Jr., emeritus professor of Theology, Claremont Graduate School
October 16, 1995 (Co-sponsored with ICU Religious Center)
Religion in Higher Education
John F. Wilson, Professor of Religion, Princeton University
September 26, 1995 (Co sponsored with ICU Religious Center)
Religious Pluralism and the Uniqueness of Jesus
Yung Han Kim, professor of theology, Soong Sil University
June 27, 1995
Russian Orthodox Ecclesiastical Mission in Japan — A Peculiar Case of Religious Encounter between East and West
Evgeny Steiner, associate researcher, Sophia University
April 11, 1995
The Spirituality of the Old Testament
Rolf Knierim, emeritus professor of Theology, Claremont Graduate School
May 30, 1994
Religion and Politics in a Secular African State: The Nigerian Case
F.U. Okafor, senior lecturer of University of Nigeria
December 17, 1993
Herodotus and Religion
John P.A.Gould, emiritus professor of Greek, University of Bristol
November 2, 1993
■ Thematic Lecture Series
■ ICC’s 50th anniversary Open Lecture Series
Humanities: The Next Fifty Years
The Roles of Humanities in our Society
Yoichiro P. Murakami, Professor Emeritus of History and Philosophy of Science / STS, The University of Tokyo / ICU
May 9, 2014
Symposium (October 10 – 12, 2013)*
Transgression and Transcendence: What Makes Religion Radical?
(On Dante and the Sense of Transgression: ‘The Trespass of the Sign’)
* Sponsored by JICUF (Japan ICU Foundation)
The Humanities and the Ideal of Wholeness―Epic Pasts, Partisan Presents, Plural Futures
Professor William Franke, University of Macao (Philosophy and Religion) and Vanderbilt University (Comparative Literature, Italian, and Religious Studies)
October 12, 2013
“Umile e alta più che creatura” (Par. 33.2): Marian Humility, Theosis, and the Transgression of the Commedia
Assistant Professor Brian Reynolds, Fu Jen Catholic University (Medieval Italian Literature, and Mariology)
October 11, 2013
Grammatical Language and the Impossibility of Experience: Agamben’s Transformation of Heideggerian Hermeneutics
Associate Professor Anthony Adler, Yonsei University (Continental Philosophy, Comparative Literature, and Literary Theory)
October 10, 2013
Exemplarity and Narrative in the Greek Tradition
Douglas L. Cairns, Professor of Classics, The University of Edinburgh
June 10, 2013
Time and the Human in Sophoclean Tragedy
Shigenari Kawashima, Professor Emeritus of Classics
May 28, 2013
■ What is the Proprium of the Humanities?
Some Aspects of the Expressions concerning Fate in Homeric Epics
Yoshinori Sano, Senior Associate Professor of Classics and Philosophy
June 16, 2010
Love, Nature, Quotidian: Sense Inhabiting Life
Shoichiro Iwakiri, Professor of Literature
April 21, 2010
“Idle and Extravagant Stories in Verse”: 400 Years of Story-Telling, from Sir Gawain to Wordsworth
Christopher Simons, Associate Professor of Literature
November 10, 2009
Hume’s Theory of Sympathy as the Principle of Human Nature
Naoki Yajima, Senior Associate Professor of Philosophy
November 4, 2009
The Mode of Chinese Thoughts: Art of Divination and Yin-Yang Five Elements Theory
Tomoko Koto, professor of Chinese Philosophy
June 10, 2009
To Know Myself – Dialogue with the Transcendent
Masao Okano, professor emeritus of philosophy, ICU (President, Ferris Jogakuin)
May 13, 2009
Art-Craft, East-West: New Polarities in Taisho-era Tokyo
Richard Wilson, professor of Art / Archaeology, ICU
February 20, 2009
Essential Facts of Life: H. D. Thoreau & Emily Dickinson
Naoki Onishi, professor of literature / American studies, ICU
January 21, 2009
Saint Anthony’s Temptations / Les Tentations de Saint-Antoine
Christine Kodama, senior associate professor of French literature, ICU (presider/interpreter: Prof. Shoichiro Iwakiri)
October 29, 2008
Why Do People Need Music?
Masakata Kanazawa, professor emeritus of music, ICU
September 24, 2008
Conceptualizing the Human Being: From the Biological to the Anthropological
Yoichiro P. Murakami, professor of history and philosophy of science / science, technology and society, ICU
June 11, 2008
Beyond the Limits (kokoro: the essence of Japanese traditional culture)
Tzvetana Kristeva, professor of Japanese literature, ICU
May 28, 2008
Is God Dead? Then, Isn’t Humanity Dead?
Atsushi Tanaka, professor of philosophy, ICU
April 30, 2008
Freedom of the God, Freedom of the Man: Human Dignity in the Book of Job
Koichi Namiki, professor emeritus of Hebrew Bible Studies, ICU
February 13, 2008
Human Beings and Beyond: On the Problems of Honor and “Justice of Retaliation” in Greek Literature
Shigenari Kawashima, professor emeritus of classics, ICU (Professor, Otsuma Women’s University)
December 7, 2007
Some Thoughts on the Role of the Human(ities) in Modern Society
Gerhard Schepers, professor emeritus of German literature, ICU
November 20, 2007
To Err is Human, To Forgive is Also Human
Anri Morimoto, professor of theology, ICU
October 5, 2007
■ Time, Space and Travel
Time and Space in the Novel
Christine Kodama, professor of French literature
September 17, 1999
Literature and Time — Modification of signifie
Shoichiro Iwakiri, assistant professor of French literature
October 29, 1996
The Allegory of the Voyage — Its Spiritual Implications
Philip Edwards, emeritus professor (English literature), University of Liverpool
June 2, 1995
History and Climate (Fudo), or Time and Space in Style, as Observed in Tetsuro Watsuji’s Criticism of Martin Heidegger
Atsushi Tanaka, professor of philosophy
September 30, 1994
■ Style
Style in English Poetry — On Contemporary Poets
Kazuaki Saito, professor of English and American literature
October 28,1994
Style and Representation in Kenzan Ware
Richard Wilson, associate professor of art and archaeology
June 16, 1994
The Floral Woman — A 19th Century Theme in Literature and Art
Clair F. Hughes, associate professor of English and American literature
May 6, 1994
On the Wall Paintings in the Catacomb at Via Latina, Rome
Tomo Miyasaka, lecturer, Nanzan University
April 23, 1993
Forget Not What You Were as a Novice
Kenichiro Sato, Professor, Musashino Art University
June 4, 1993
History of ‘Yugen’
Hideichi Fukuda, professor of Japanese literature
September 14, 1993
Musicians and the Tradition of the Stammbuch: Cases of
Haydon, Mozart and Beethoven
Tatsuhiko Itoh, assistant professor of music
October 15, 1993
Style and Ritual in Politics, Religion and Society
Stuart D.B.Picken, professor of philosophy
April 24, 1992
Form, Style, Pattern
Ryoen Minamoto, former professor of intellectual history
September 18, 1992 (cosponsored by the graduate school of comparative culture)
Loss of Awareness: Style and Quest of Scientific Cognition — Can Style be conceptualized at all? —
Atsushi Tanaka, professor of philosophy
October 30, 1992
The Form and Face of God in the Old Testament
Koichi Namiki, professor of religion
December 18, 1992