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場所:国際基督教大学 本部棟206

今日、アジアは戦争、貧困、社会不正、そして環境の劣悪化に直面している。21世紀を迎えようとする今、われわれはその事に気づかざるをえない。何がいけなかったのか? これから何ができるのか? 何が今なされているのか?今回のシンポジウムでは、アジアで平和や正義や人権擁護を、そして地球環境の保護を求める、草の根運動の活動をとりあげる。

Greetings from the Director 開会の挨拶
M. William Steele

"Environmental Problems in the Philippines and NGO Interventions"
Germelino Bautista

"Local Responses to Agent Orange in Vietnam"
Shaun Malarney

"Cambodia and the Problem of Pesticides"

"Thai Village Industries Using Natural Dyes for Textile Production"
Thanit Boodphetcharat

"Japanese ODA and the Environment:
Government and Peoples' Response in a Philippine Coal Power Plant"
Temario Rivera

"Environmental Destruction and Birds in Japan"
Mika Mervio


"The Long Protest for the Long River:
The Protest Movement Against the Construction of the Estuary Dam in the Nagara River"
Wilhelm Vosse

「健やかな環境をとり戻すために --ダイオキシンのない社会に--

Germelino Bautista
Professor of Economics, Ateneo de Manila University; Director, Institute of Philippine Culture; research fields include Philippine economic and environmental history.

Shaun Malarney
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, ICU, and member of the Institute of Asian Cultural Studies. Specialist on contemporary Vietnamese studies.

Professor of Chemistry, ICU, and member of the Institute of Asian Cultural Studies. Research interests include environmental pollution in Asia.

Thanit Boodphetcharat
Head of Research and Evaluation Division, Payap Research and Development Institute, Payap University in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Temario C. Rivera
Visiting Professor of Political Economy of Late Industialization, ICU, and member of the Institute of Asian Cultural Studies; Professor of Political Science, University of the Philippines

Mika Mervio
Professor of Political Science, The University of Shimane. Active in peace studies research, especially relating to environmental problems.

Professor of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto Gakuen University and one of the first scholars to draw attention to the Minamata Disease. He is active in many NGOs working on behalf of a clean and healthy natural environment.

Wilhelm Vosse
Assistant Professor of Political Science, ICU, and member of the Institute of Asian Cultural Studies. Specialist in Peace Studies and citizen protest movements.

止めよう!ダイオキシン汚染・関東ネットワーク 運営委員
止めよう!ダイオキシン汚染・練馬連絡会 代表
水環境を考える会 代表

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