Asian Cultural Studies, Vol.37(March 2011)
Saturday,March 19,2011Categories: (Journal) Vol.31 - Vol.40
Asian Cultural Studies, Vol.37(March 2011)
Articles |
菊池秀明 (Kikuchi Hideaki) |
太平天国の広西北部、湖南南部における活動について (The Taiping Rebellion in Northern Guangxi and Southern Hunan in 1852)[PDF] |
菊池秀明 (Kikuchi Hideaki) |
太平天国の湖南における進撃と地域社会 (The Taiping Rebellion and Local Society in Hunan Province in 1852)[PDF] |
高柳昌久 (Takayanagi Masahisa) |
中島飛行機三鷹研究所――その疎開と終焉―― (The Nakajima Aircraft Industry: Relocation of the Mitaka Research Center and Final Dissolution of the Company)[PDF] |
咸苔英 (Ham Taeyoung) |
1910年代朝鮮総督府機関紙と徳富蘇峰 (Tokutomi Sohō and Newspapers Published by the Japanese Governor-General of Korea in the 1910s)[PDF] |
大野ロベルト (Ono Robert) |
女のしわざ——『無名草子』の批評空間—— (Women’s Deed: The Critical Space of Mumyōzōshi)[PDF] |
Toohey David, Inoue Aya | Memories and the Nation-State: Japanese-American Discourses on Hiroshima[PDF] |
飛田良文・新井菜穂子 (Hida Yoshifumi, Arai Naoko) |
『開明新語往来』(明治7年刊)用語索引 (An Index to Words found in Kaimei shingo ōrai (1873))[PDF] |
Research Note | |
Miyanaga Kuniko (宮永國子) |
Iconic Action and the Iconic Block –The Quest for Traditional Identity in the Global Community[PDF] |