Asian Cultural Studies, Vol.36(March 2010)

Friday,March 19,2010


Asian Cultural Studies, Vol.36(March 2010)

Kojima Yasunori
Hirao Rosen: Late-Tokugawa Folklorist from Tsugaru Domain[PDF]
(Nakano Mari)
「情」の浮世絵師・鈴木春信 ——18世紀における国学の眼——
(Suzuki Harunobu’s World of “Jō”: Visions of Nativism in the Eighteenth Century)[PDF]
Robert Eskildsen An Army as Good and Efficient as Any in the World: James Wasson and Japan’s 1874 Expedition to Taiwan [PDF]
(Kikuchi Hideaki)
(An Analysis of the Taiping Rebellion in the Yongan Area of Guangxi Province, 1851-1852)[PDF]
Pedro Iacobelli The Vatican’s Shift of Its Missionary Policy in the Twentieth Century: The Mission of the Augustinian Fathers of the Assumption in Manchuria [PDF]
(Toda Maki)
(Pathways out of Homelessness: The Process and the Contributing Factors Analyzing Case Studies in Australia)[PDF]
(Aoi Akira)
(On Liaison in French)[PDF]
Felix Ulombe Kaputu Global Shamanism in Context: Itako (from Osorezan, Aomori, Japan) and Mikishi (Lake Mweru, Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo)[PDF]
Kenneth R. Robinson An Introduction to Extant Volumes from the 1487 Tongguk yŏji sŭngnam and the 1499 Tongguk yŏji sŭngnam, and the 1531 Sinjŭng Tongguk yŏji sŭngnam PDF-1 / PDF-2
Kenneth R. Robinson Addenda to “Images of Japan in Four Korean World Maps Compiled in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries”[PDF]
Kenneth R. Robinson 〈研究ノート〉Maps in Extant Volumes of the 1487 Tongguk yŏji sŭngnam and the 1499 Tongguk yŏji sŭngnam, and in Sinjŭng Tongguk yŏji sŭngnam
(〈Research Note〉Maps in Extant Volumes of the 1487 Tongguk yŏji sŭngnam and the 1499Tongguk yŏji sŭngnam, and in Sinjŭng Tongguk yŏji sŭngnam)[PDF]
Ken Byung-Kun Park The Four Seven Debate (四端七情論) II: Its Unfolding — Feelings and Morality in T’oegye and Yulgok’s Li-Qi Theory (理気論, Principle and Material Force) [PDF]
Michael J. Pettid Other Female Identities in Chosŏn Korea: Overcoming and Subverting the Confucian Model for Womanly Behavior [PDF]
Jeong-Mi Lee Chosŏn Korea as Sojunghwa, the Small Central Civilization: Sadae kyorin Policy and Relations with Ming/Qing China and Tokugawa Japan in the Seventeenth Century [PDF]
Lionel Babicz Race, Civilization, and National Security: The Meiji Intellectual Origins of the Annexation of Korea [PDF]
Aoki Atsuko A Dissenting Voice from the Margins in Colonial Korea: Jōkō Yonetarō and the “Teachers Union Incident” of December 1930[PDF]
Mark E. Caprio The Cold War Hits Kobe: The 1948 Korean Ethnic School “Riots” [PDF]

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