Asian Cultural Studies, Vol. 33 (March 2007)

Monday,March 19,2007


Asian Cultural Studies, Vol. 33 (March 2007)

Sato Kenji Thinking of Images/Thinking through Images: Shibusawa Keizo and the Idea of the “Pictorial Dictionary”
Aso Noriko A Private Public: Shibukawa Keizo’s Museum of Economic History
Fujita Kayoko Learning “Shared Experiences” of Industrialization: A Critical Review of Cross-Cultural Exhibitions and an Analysis of Museum Visitors’ Perceptions in Japan and the United States
Iwamoto kaoru Chichibu’s kannon Temples Before and After the Meiji Restoration
Takenouchi Masato The Dissolution of Early-Modern Urban Society and the Activities of Shinto Priests in Edo and Tokyo
Matsuyama Megumi Changes in Urban Residence Patterns in Tokyo during the Meiji Era
Roderick I. Wilson Edomae: Changing Environmental Relations between the Fishers, Fish Merchants and Fishing Grounds of Nineteenth-Century Tokyo Bay
Limin Bai Confucianism in the Context of Sino-Japanese Intellectual Interchange: Japanese Influence and Early Modern Chinese Textbooks, 1895-1905
Jeremy D. Phillipps The “Japan Sea Era”: Imperialism and Regional Identity in the 1930s
Alexander Bukh Constructivism and Japan’s Identity and Foreign Policy: A Critique
Susanna Klien Reconstructing Japan’s International Contribution in the post September 11 World: Evaluating Implications for Japan’s National Security Devate
(Kikuchi Hideaki)
(Issues from the Middle Phase of the Taiping Movement’s Attack on Beijing: From Shangxi to Tianjin)
(Kato Etsuko)
「移民予備軍」の若者たち 後期モダニティにおける日本人青年の「自己」と世界観
(To Immigrate or Not To Immigrate: Views on Self and the World of Young Japanese in Late Modernity)
(Jung Eun Ji)
(The Clothing Worn by Japanese at the Choryang Japan House, Pusan)
Vivek Pinto The Massacre of Children at the Amish Community School and Mahatma Gandhi: The Strength of Forgiveness
(Ishizaka Shinya)
(Environmental Movement and Gandhism in Contemporary India: The Case of the Anti-Tehri Dam Movement)

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