AsianForum 168th "The way of life and architecture in Vories and Raymond"

Tuesday,February 7,2017


Tuesday, Feb 7, 2017

樺島榮一郎 (KABASHIMA Eiichiro)
青山学院大学 地球社会共生学部 准教授
Aoyama Gakuin University

人の生き方と建築 -ヴォーリズとレイモンド-
The way of life and architecture in Vories and Raymond


There were two American architects in prewar era Japan, Vories and Raymond. They were very unique in the meaning that they built many notable Western-style architectures such as school buildings, residential houses and churches. In this lecture, we review their contrastive way of life, relation with the war, view of architecture. We could understand their personality and life from the buildings that they left in ICU.Lecture in Japanese


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