AsianForum 154th "On the salvation of the “suffering deceased”: The culture of Shisha-kuyo (spiritual aid for the dead) in East Asia"
Tuesday,January 13,2015Categories: Past Asian Forum (2013-2017)
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Conference Room 203/204, Dialogue House 2F
池上 良正 (IKEGAMI Yoshimasa)
(Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Komazawa University)
(On the salvation of the “suffering deceased”: The culture of Shisha-kuyo
(spiritual aid for the dead) in East Asia)
(The culture of Shisha-kuyo (the spiritual aid for the dead) that widely pervaded East Asia is often discussed in terms of its relationship to “ancestor worship” or the “ancestral cult”. However, there was yet another important aspect of Shisha-kuyo; that is, the salvation of the suffering deceased. This presentation will examine the significance of this particular aspect, focusing on the ritual of Segaki (the Buddhist service for the benefit of suffering ghosts).
Lecture in Japanese