『アジア文化研究』 42号 (2016年3月)



J. Edward Kidder, Jr. The Vicissitudes of the Miroku Triad in the Lecture Hall of Yakushiji Temple[PDF]
小山修三 (Koyama Shūzō) キダー博士の蔵書:学者として歩んだ道(Dr. Kidder's Private Library and His Academic Career)[PDF]
大野ロベルト (Ōno Robert) 「もののあはれ」史の試み―思想と文学を往還しながら― (In Search of the History of "Mono no aware": Transcending Thought and Literature)[PDF]
戦海燕 (Zhan Haiyan) The Bond of Stone and Flower in The Story of The Stone[PDF]
菊池秀明 (Kikuchi Hideaki) 太平天国西征軍の湖北進出と廬州攻略 (Taiping's March to Hubei and Attack on Lozhou, Anhui)[PDF]
M.W. Steele Roads, Bridges, Tunnels and Empire: Highway Construction and the Great East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere[PDF]
大岡響子 (Ōoka Kyōko) 「私」をつくる記述:満洲における雑誌メディアと自己言及のテクスト (Constituting the self through Description:Self-referential text in Manchurian Media)[PDF]
姜 海守 (Kang Haesoo) <道義の帝国>論の射程―解放後・戦後における「道義」言説と李退渓― (The Empire of the Morality-Righteouness: Yi T'oegye and the Discourse of the Morality- Morality-Righteouness in Postwar Korea and Japan)[PDF]
Nathan Hopson Christopher Noss' Tohoku and "Survey of Rural Fukushima" Protraits of Tohoku a Century before March 11, 2011[PDF]

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