菊池秀明 (Kikuchi Hideaki) |
「動乱の時代」の幕開け ー太平天国前夜の広西における下層移民と天地会系結社の活動ー (The Opening of the 'Period of Conflict':The Activities of Lower-Stratum Immigrants and Group Connected to the Tiandi hui in Guangxi on the Eve of the Taiping Movement) |
小島康敬 (Kojima Yasunori) |
18世紀東アジア儒教思想史の中の徂徠学派と丁茶山 ー「以心制心」「以礼制心」「以天制心」ー (The Sorai School and Chong Yak-yong in the Context of East Asia Intellectual History of the Eighteenth Century: "Control the Heart by the Heart,""Control the Heart by Means of Rules of Decorum,""Control the Heart by Means of Heaven") |
キリ・バラモア (Kiri Paramore) |
『草賊前後記』考ー徳川思想史におけるその位置ー (Sōzoku zenkōki and its Place in Tokugawa Intellectual History) |
朴 炳建 (Ken Byung-Kun Park) |
惠岡(崔漢綺)の「気学」ー唯物論、経験主義、理気論ー (Hyegang Choe Han-gi's 'Ki-Theory': Materialism, Empiricism and Li-Ki Theory) |
Miyata Nana |
On the Power of Female Shamans: A Study Based upon Early Records in Two Japanese Mythologies |
Igarashi Yoshikuni |
Kamikaze: A Mirror of Post-Cold War U.S.-Japan Relations |
高柳昌久 (Takayanagi Masahisa) |
中島飛行機三鷹研究所ーその建設までー (The History of the Nakajima Airplane Corporation's Mitaka Laboratory until Its Construction) |
高崎 恵 (Takasaki Megumi) |
『天地始之事』パロディ分析試論 (The World of Tenchi Hajimari no Koto: An Attempt at Parody Analysis) |
Andreas Beck |
Sino-Japanese Relations and the Need for Confidence-Building Measures |
Angelina Chin |
Loving Disability: "Patriotism" in Postcolonial Hong Kong |
Zhan Haiyan |
Metaphors of Aroma and Fragrance in The Story of the Stone |
Yinghong Li |
Writing the Female Body: Ambiguities and Challenges |