NEW第204回アジアンフォーラム"America's Tsunami of Aid"



アジア文化研究所では、第204回アジアンフォーラム"America's Tsunami of Aid"を開催いたします。

Why do we give to distant sufferers in need? What do we give, and how do we give aid for maximum psychological effect or material benefit? What do we expect in return? How do we express gratitude, or dissatisfaction when our wishes are not met? And, what do these decisions reveal about our motivations and our expectations? 

The tsunami of aid that America sent across the Pacific in 1923 following the devastating Great Kantō Earthquake provides answers to these important questions of history and humanity. In this public talk, Professor Charles Schencking shares why Americans gave more to Japan in 1923 than they had ever given before, or would give at any time in the future, to overseas natural disaster sufferers in need. Americans, he illustrates, were driven to give for a multitude of reasons including opportunism, greed, narcissism, and even feelings of fear. 

4月ボーランド先生イベント.pptx .pptx (1).jpg
【講演者】J. Charles Schencking(Professor of The University of Hong Kong)



【会場】未定 Venue to be announced


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