Summaries from Number 45

国際基督教大学学報 IV-B


International Christian University Publication IV-B
Humanities: Christianity and Culture

ソポクレス悲劇における<時>と人間. . . . . . 川島 重成

[Time and the Human in Sophoclean Tragedy. . . . . . Shigenari Kawashima]











Exemplarity and Narrative in the Greek Tradition. . . . . . Douglas L. Cairns (Professor, The University of Edinburgh)

  This discussion starts from the encounter between Achilles and Priam in Iliad 24, and especially Achilles’ remarks on the jars of Zeus (525-35), the seminal expression of a characteristic Greek attitude towards the mutability of fortune and the instability of happiness. Such ideas can be readily paralleled in other cultures, literatures and narrative forms, both ancient and more recent, Greek and non-Greek. Their expression in language, symbol, and art (both verbal and visual) illustrates the way that the condensation of such complexes of thought and feeling in typical and traditional forms makes a particular ethical or emotional perspective tangible, tractable and transferable. These recurrent forms capture important aspects of a culture’s emotional and normative repertoire in a way that allows them to be reconstituted and applied in the mind of each recipient or audience member. The paper considers some of the implications of this in the Greek narrative tradition, from Homer, through archaic poetry, tragedy and Aristotle’s theory of tragedy to a detailed examination of the persistence of the phenomenon and its extensive influence on narrative shape in Plutarch’s Life of Aemilius Paullus, a splendid example of how later Greek narratives return explicitly to the most authoritative of all Greek narrative sources as a way of locating themselves in what their authors clearly regard as a distinctive Greek tradition.

Antebellum Unitarianism in New England: Contradictions and Possibilities. . . . . . David D. Hall (John Bartlett Research Professor, Harvard Divinity School)

  Unitarianism in New England originated as a Protestant denomination in the early decades of the nineteenth century. Long regarded as a significant influence on antebellum American writers, Unitarianism has also had its critics, most famously Ralph Waldo Emerson. This essay explores the paradoxes of a movement at once liberal and conservative, focusing in particular on its theological identity and how literature became a vehicle for cultivating a certain kind of religious sensibility.

Religion and Politics in America: Constitution, Culture, and Theology. . . . . . Robin W. Lovin (Professor, Southern Methodist University / Director of Research, Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton University)

  The legal status of religion everywhere reflects the development of religious traditions and institutions, shared cultural experiences, and prevailing ideas about law, government, and individual freedom. While the United States is often presented as a guide to reconciling the demands of democracy, diversity, and religious commitment, it is not a universal ideal, or even a model for all developed democracies. The American experience is a unique combination of Enlightenment politics, Protestant Christianity, and constitutional democracy that is unlikely to be repeated. The historical interaction of those elements, however, offers important insights into contemporary American politics and may suggest realistic ways to understand the relationship between religion, law, and society in other contexts.

キリスト者の仏教論と時代思潮──日蓮から法然へ──. . . . . . 吉馴 明子(恵泉女学園大学名誉教授)

[Christians’ Reflections on Buddhism and the Current of Thoughts in the Meiji Era: From Nichiren to Hônen. . . . . . Akiko Yoshinare]








マットレスと花束──マネ《オランピア》試解──. . . . . . 岩切 正一郎

[Le Matelas et bouquet. . . . . . Shoichiro Iwakiri]

  Notre étude analyse le mécanisme d’un transfert d’images représentant l’objet de désir, qui travaille dans les deux tableaux, La Vénus d’Urbino de Titien et Olympia de Manet, en observant tout particulièrement la triangle formée sous le drap en dessous de la nuda reclina.

  Dans La Vénus d’Urbino, un triangle béant est rempli par un matelas richement brodé qui connote la promesse du bonheur conjugal. Il révèle, sous la main droite de la femme, ce que cache sa main gauche, non pas d’une façon réaliste comme dans L’Origine du monde de Courbet, mais d’une façon métonymique et métaphorique.

  Quant à Olympia, dans le même triangle se montre seulement une certaine pauvreté matérielle. Ce qui vient de le suppléer dans ce tableau et qui crée métaphoriquement une image de l’objet désiré à travers son déplacement, est le bouquet avec son papier blanc montré par la servante noire.

  Que signifie cette différence entre le matelas brodé (signe de culture) et le bouquet (signe de nature) qui, tous les deux, remplissent le vide ouvert dans la figure triangulaire ? On peut dire que dans La Vénus d’Urbino, c’est la complicité de la femme qui comprend bien le désir de son futur mari qui permet au tableau de créer une volupté profonde, alors que dans Olympia, on constate le refus de la femme de participer à telle réalisation coopérative d’une vision amoureuse, refus qui tranche avec ladite complicité.

  Longtemps on a vu le scandale d’Olympia dans le bouquet et le chat hérissé qui indiquaient la présence d’un homme dans la chambre d’une prostituée en lequel le spectateur bourgeois ou petit-bourgeois devant le tableau se serait vu obliquement représenter. En réalité, le véritable scandale du tableau consiste, selon nous, en la mise en évidence du dysfonctionnement du mécanisme censé opérer pour la création d’une illusion complice d’amour.

  S’il est deux sortes de répétitions comme les définit Deleuze dans Différence et répétition, c’est-à-dire une répétition comme « l’élément d’action apparemment répété » et une « répétition plus profonde », La Vénus d’Urbino et Olympia marquent, dans l’histoire de la répétition apparente de la nuda reclina, deux moments de la répétition « plus profonde » d’une intensité égale qui se traduisent respectivement par la naissance et la mort du mécanisme d’engendrement de l’illusion d’amour.

Antiquarian Landscape and Allusion in Wordsworth’s Excursion. . . . . . Christopher E. J. Simons

  William Wordsworth’s first published epic poem, The Excursion (1814), is an ‘elegiac epic’ concerned with how traces of former human existence in the local landscape (graves, epitaphs, and tales of life and death) affect feelings of despair and hope among the living. Eschewing traditional historicist approaches to the poem, this paper locates a strong intertextual relationship between arguments made by the poem’s three main characters and the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century field of antiquarianism. The characters of the Solitary, the Wanderer, and the Pastor deploy the materials, methods, and ideologies of antiquarianism to convey both similar and contrasting positions on moral philosophy, religion, and historiography. Comparing the antiquarian images, language, and allusions used by the three characters dispels the sense of an author’s unified position in the debate. The three characters’ opinions may reflect Wordsworth’s positions on the uses of antiquarianism in philosophical, religious, and political debates at different stages of his life, but antiquarianism remains an ambiguous text in the poem, associated with a range of philosophical positions and feelings. The paper illuminates a number of key antiquarian expressions in the poem, and allusions to antiquarianism in contemporary literary texts. The paper concludes that each of the three characters’ relationships to antiquarianism in the poem subverts the others. The Solitary is diagnosed with ‘despondency’, but his antiquarian characteristics serve as examples of past and present intellectual and moral strength. The Wanderer represents a position of antiquarian optimism, but is himself a second-order antiquarian character in the text, a fiction in which the other two characters may not believe. Finally, the Pastor appears to support the Wanderer’s optimistic use of antiquarian materials and methods to ‘cure’ the Solitary, but in fact negates the Wanderer’s optimistic and fanciful historiography with a pessimistic and solipsistic reduction of antiquarianism to Christian dogma. An intertextual approach that considers The Excursion in relation to antiquarianism demonstrates the multiplicity of historiographic perspectives in the poem, and Wordsworth’s willingness to allow different and conflicting stages of his thoughts and feelings free play in the poem’s dialogues.

ロジャー・ウィリアムズ「洗礼はキリスト教徒をつくらない」:解題・翻訳. . . . . . 平野陽子

[Roger Williams’ “Christenings make not Christians”: Annotated Bibliography and Japanese Translation. . . . . . Yohko Hirano]

 本稿は、17世紀のニューイングランドにおいて、史上初めて政教分離を明文化させたイングランド人、ロジャー・ウィリアムズ(1603-1683)による『洗礼はキリスト教徒をつくらない』全文の和訳である。翻訳の底本としてはThe Complete Writings of Roger Williams, vol.7, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2006 (repr. from Russell and Russell, 1963), pp.29-41を用いた。





乾山の伝記──年譜を礎(いしづえ)にして──. . . . . . リチャード・ウィルソン,小笠原 佐江子

[Biography of Ogata Kenzan: Documentary Sources and their Reconsideration. . . . . . Richard L. Wilson and Saeko Ogasawara]

 Biographical research on the ceramic designer Ogata Kenzan (1663-1743) has been conducted since the second decade of the twentieth century, and it reached a plateau in the early postwar era. This article re-examines the sources for this portrait, and introduces new material and perspectives. The article begins with a reprisal of Kenzan’s career that emphasizes his literati pastimes and ceramics production. The second section inventories persons, places, events, texts, and institutions related to Kenzan. Some of the highlights of this research are listed below.

 Kariganeya period (1663-1688): This period covers Kenzan’s boyhood, his early interest in learning, and the collapse of the family’s textile business under the stewardship of his oldest brother Tozaburo (ca. 1650-after 1714). Regarding the latter, the authors introduce new information on a “Kawaguchi Genzaburo” who is identified as the employer of Tozaburo in Edo in a 1714 Ogata family genealogy. Genzaburo, a hatamoto, was the grandson of Kawaguchi Genzaemon (1630-1704) who served in influential government posts in Nagasaki and Edo. The link with the Ogata may be traced to the funeral of their principal patron Tofukumon-in in 1678, which Genzaemon is known to have attended. The ca. 1720 record Chonin kokenroku relates many cases where the scions of bankrupted merchants (like Tozaburo) move to Edo or regional domains to serve samurai.

 Shuseido period (1688-1699): Following his father’s death Kenzan moved to Omuro, in the northwest suburbs of Kyoto, to a villa that he called the Shuseido (Hall of Learning Tranquility). For over a decade Kenzan pursued a literati lifestyle, studying Zen with monks of the Obaku sect and attending the salon of high-ranking courtier Nijo Tsunahira (1670-1732). The authors reconfirm the circumstances behind the construction of the Shuseido villa and the existence of its principal building within the Ninnaji temple. The exchanges between Kenzan, his fellow Zen students, and the Obaku monks are covered in detail. Kenzan’s decision to purchase land for a ceramic workshop just after the death of his Obaku mentor, Dokusho Shoen (1617-1694), is linked to a relationship with an Omuro neighbor, the potter Nonomura Ninsei (active ca. 1640s-1690s).

 Narutaki period (1699-1712): Kenzan opened his first ceramics workshop in Narutaki-mura northwest of Omuro in 1712. He relied on a cadre of specialists: brother Korin and Watanabe Soshin for painting, Ninsei scion Seiemon for high-fired ceramics (hongama), and an Oshikoji-ware potter named Magobei for low-fired ceramics (uchigama). This section focuses on these personnel, especially the connection with Ninsei’s family, which Kenzan would maintain until the end of his career, eventually adopting Seiemon’s son Ihachi as an heir to the Kenzan line.

 Nijo-Shogoin period (1712-ca. 1731). In 1712, citing the inconvenience of his remote location, Kenzan changed his workshop location to Chojiyamachi, a neighborhood on the north side of Nijo-dori just west of Teramachi. This was a business location, with numerous craft workshops and publishers, all depending on the nearby wharves of the Takase Canal, the shipping conduit to Osaka and markets beyond. A report of this move to city authorities mentions that Kenzan had shifted his management style, and instead of running his own kiln he was renting space in the kilns at Awataguchi and Gojozaka. During this period Kenzan’s adopted son Ihachi established a workshop in Shogoin-mura, just across the Kamo River from Chojiyamachi. Sherds recently excavated on the campus of the Kyoto University Hospital show the existence of this workshop, which both continued the first-generation Kenzan style and created new designs. This section also considers recently introduced evidence for the ownership of Kenzan’s Narutaki land after 1712.

 Edo period (ca. 1731-1743): Kenzan’s move to Edo was connected to Kokan (1697-1738), a tonsured prince selected to head the Tokugawa religious establishment of Kan’eiji, in what is now Ueno Park, Taito-ku. Kenzan settled in nearby Iriya-mura and continued making ceramics and attending cultural circles. A Meiji-era report mentions that one Shindo Suo-no-kami attended to the details of Kenzan’s burial, and this article introduces the existence of Shindo’s personal seal inside of Kenzan’s 1737 pottery manual Toko hitsuyo. The article also introduces a Meiji-era map of Zenyoji, the Edo temple where Kenzan was buried. Kenzan’s grave and the memorial tablet later erected by Rimpa revivalist Sakai Hoitsu (1761-1828) appear on this document.

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