AsianForum 161th "Language as a part of culture: tense formation in relation to religious worldview on death"

Friday,October 30,2015

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Friday, October 30, 2015
Conference Room 203/204, Dialogue House 2F

豊田純一 (Toyota Junichi)
Osaka City University

Language as a part of culture: tense formation in relation to religious worldview on death

今発表では、宗教に基づく死生観が言語にどれだけ影響を及ぼしているか を検証します。特に着目する点は、未来形を中心とする時制で、世界の言語の中で未来形がどの様な歴史的派生過程を経てきたかを考察し、それと宗教観を比べます。言語によっては、宗教観が変わることにより未来形が変わるケースも見られます。よって、宗教観に関する文化的影響は、言語相対性仮説に反して、文化が言語に影響しているケースと考えられます。

In this presentation, a relationship between culture influenced by religious worldview and grammar is examined, paying particular attention to future tense. Various developmental paths of future tense is closely related to how speakers deal with death, and when a religious worldview changes, a grammatical form also shifts to match a new worldview. This line of argument can form a sharp contrast against linguistic relativity, shedding a light on a new line of research on culture and language.

Lecture in Japanese

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