Title: Mini-field Trip to Yasukuni Shrine's Yushukan (Museum) 靖国神社遊就館へのミニ・フィールドトリップ
2018-10-05PRI invites those interested, to visit the Yasukuni Shrine and "Yushukan." This trip is recommended for any students and faculty interested in historical memory and it's impact on peace. Please bring 500 yen to cover the entrance fee to the museum and another 1,500 yen if you'd like to join us for lunch after the museum visit.
Date: Saturday, October 27th, 2018
Time: 10:00 to 13:00
Place: Meet in front of Kudanshita Station, exit 1. Please contact us if you are interested so we can have an estimate for the reservation (https://tinyurl.com/PRIOct).