1994年度 ポーランド、ドイツ、チェコ共和国



1994年度 ポーランド、ドイツ、チェコ共和国


  1. Visit historical sites of the Third Reich Germany.
  2. Learn directly from those who had taken part in democratization movements in East Europe.


3/5-9 In Poland Visit the Majdanek Concentration Camp in Lublin (Poland) Visit the Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Oswiencim Visit Warsaw City, Monuments of Warsaw Uprising and of Warsaw Ghetto, exchange with an activist of "Solidarity "and a member of the Upper House.
3/10-12 In Germany Visit the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, the Memorial House of the Wannsee-Conference, and the Memorial House of German Resistance Movements (Berlin) Attend a lecture by Ms. Kaminski, a member of a church in East Europe (Berlin)
3/13-14 In Czech Visit the Prague Castle (the President's official residence,) the old city area, attend a lecture at Charles University by Mr. Palous who participated the "Charter 77" movement

参加学生数:24名 STAFF:最上敏樹(平和研究所所長)、RUIZ, Lester E. (平和研究所所員)、田中昌樹(平和研究所助手)

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