– Forthcoming Lectures
– Records of ICC Open Lectures
Chronological Index of History of Science Open Forum
Titles as of the Lecture Date, Lecturers belong to ICU, unless otherwise specified
・Symposium Celebrating the Translation of God and Nature
(No Lecture)
(No Lecture)
Maria Sibylla Merian: The Scientist
Research Lecturer / Fellow Jeyaraney Kathirithamby, Entomology, St Hugh’s College, The University of Oxford
September 29, 2017
Health, Lifestyle and Responsibility in Ancient Medical and Philosophical Thought
Alexander von Humboldt Professor Philip J. van der Eijk, Classics / History of Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
September 12, 2016
(No Lecture)
Galen and Early Christians on the Role of the Divine in the Causation and Treatment of Health and Disease
Lecturer: Alexander von Humboldt Professor Philip J. van der Eijk, Classics / History of Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Commentator: Professor Masahiro Imai, Classics / History of Science, Hirosaki University
September 18, 2014
(No Lecture)
Modernization in East Asia from the Viewpoint of Traditional Sciences
Professor Tokimasa Takeda, History of Scientific Thought in China, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
December 14, 2012
Philosophy of Mathematics in the 16th Century: Its Implications for the History of Science and for Our Times
Associate Professor Shinichiro Higashi, History of Science, Liberal Arts Education Center, Tokai University
February 6, 2012
What Does Space Exploration Mean to Human History?
Hajime Yano, assistant professor of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (Solar System Exploration Science, Space Environmental Science)
September 30, 2011
Reading in the Early Modern Europe: The Case of Robert Boyle
Hideyuki Yoshimoto, History of Science, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
September 20, 2011
Science in Society*
Reiko Kuroda, professor of biochemistry / chemistry, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
October 14, 2010
* joint hosting with the course “Science, Technology and Society”
Creativity, Science and Education
Shunpei Yamazaki, Dr. Engineering / President of Semiconductor Energy Laboratory
February 9, 2010
Special Joint Lecture for History of Science Open Forum “Leibniz and Seki: The Origin of Theory of Determinants”
October 15, 2009 (Joint Hosting with Seki Takakazu Mathematics Institute (Yokkaichi University) and ICU Graduate School Division of Natural Sciences)
Leibniz’ Studies on Elimination and Determinant Theory
Eberhard Knobloch, professor of History of Science and Technology, Technische Universität Berlin
Takakazu Seki’s Determinant Theory
Hikosaburo Komatsu, professor emeritus of Mathmatics, The University of Tokyo
Hungarian Phenomenon Scientists
Hideto Nakajima, associate professor of History and Philosophy of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Faith, Reason and Truth in “Proofs of God’s Existence”
Seiji Fukuda, professor of Theology, St. Marianna University School of Medicine
October 9, 2009
The Danish Higher Education System – Recent Reforms and Impact
Evanthia K. Schmidt, Associate Professor of Science and Technology Policy, Aarhus University, Denmark
January 28, 2009
What can we learn from the history of the Manhattan Project?
Masakatsu Yamazaki, Professor of History and Philosophy of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
November 6, 2008
Pseudoscience in Japan Today
Makoto Kikuchi, Professor of Computational physics, Cybermediacenter, Osaka University
May 16, 2007
Christianity, Greek Medicine and the Problem of Soul: Platonic Interpretation of Galen in the Renaissance
Dr. Hiro Hirai, Research Fellow, Centre for History of Science, Ghent University
December 20, 2006
Madame Lavoisier: Participation of a Woman in the Chemical Revolution
Keiko Kawashima, associate professor of French Science in the Age of Enlightenment, Gender and Science, Nagoya Institute of Technology
October 26, 2005
Renaissance Concept of Seeds: A Missing Link between Medieval Philosophy and Modern Science
Dr. Hiroshi Hirai, Research Associate, Centre for the History of Science, University of Liege
December 21, 2004
Exotic Abortifacients: The Gender Politics of Plants in the 18th-Century Atlantic World
Dr. Londa Schiebinger, Professor of History of Science and the Barbara D. Finberg Director of the Institute on Women and Gender, Stanford University
December 20, 2004 (Co-sponsored by the Center for Gender Studies, ICU)
The Globalization of Buddhism and the International Movement of Buddhist Women
Dr. Akemi Iwamoto, lecturer of Buddhist studies, Kansai University; research associate, Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture
November 10, 2004
Christian Missionaries and Science in Nineteenth-Century China
Toshifumi Yatsumimi, Professor of History of Science, Aoyama Gakuin Women’s Junior College
April 26, 2004
The Birth of Biology in the 19th Century
Makoto Hayashi, associate professor of science studies, Kogakuin University
January 29, 2004
Case history as Narrative
Akihito Suzuki, associate professor of history of science, Keio University
June 5, 2003
The Illustrations of the Heliocentric System in Edo Japan
Tadashi Yoshida, professor of history of science, Tohoku University
February 4, 2003
Oral and Written Transmission of science in India
Michio Yano, professor of Indology/history of science, Kyoto Sangyo University
October 30, 2002
Rethinking of the Relationship between Plato and Mathematics
Chie Izumi, associate professor of ancient philosophy and science, Chiba University
May 15, 2002
Preventing Birth of “Inferior Descendants”: The Eugenic Protection Law, Discrimination of Disabled, and Reproductive Rights in Japan
Yoko Matsubara, postdoctoral fellow, Mitsubishi Kagaku Institute of Life Sciences
November 14, 2001
Spiral Recognition and the Origin of Modern Science
Tsutomu Kaneko, professor of history of science, Teikyo Heisei University
May 29, 2001
Does Mathematics Make Women Beautiful?
Nobuo Miura, professor of history of science, Kobe University
December 19, 2000
Women and the Paris Academy of Sciences: Fontenelle’s Marquise
Keiko Kawashima, associate professor of history of science, Nagoya Institute of Technology
September 22, 2000
Science and Faith
Henry Schaefer, Othmer visiting professor of theoretical chemistry
September 7, 2000
Gregory King’s 1696 Estimates of English Wealth and Population
John Taylor, visiting professor, ICU/professor of history, Southern Illinois University
June 16, 2000
History of Midwifery and gynecology/Obsterics
Mariko Komatsu, lecturer of history of science, Teikyo University
June 6, 2000
New Light on Robert Boyle
Hideyuki Yoshimoto, professor of history of science, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
May 12, 2000
Science Transformed? The Changing Nature of Knowledge Production at the End of the Twentieth Century
Richard Whitley, professor of sociology of science, Manchester University
February 22, 2000
Arabic Science at the End of the First Millennium
Takanori Suzuki, associate professor of history of science,Tokai University
November 9, 1999
The Nobel Archive and Science in the Twentieth Century
Takuji Okamoto, lecturer of history of science and technology, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo
October 19, 1999
Emerging Missions of Science Journalism
Tetsuji Shibata, ICC visiting fellow of STS
September 28, 1999
Thought and Science of I. Prigogine
Kazuo Kitahara, professor of physics, ICU
June 1, 1999
Cholera and the Suez Canal
Mariko Ogawa, professor of history of science, Mie University
December 9, 1998
New Mode of Knowledge Production and Universities
Shinichi Kobayashi, associate professor of science and technology policy, The University of Electro-Communications
November 4, 1998
Some Episodes from History of Medicine in Japan
Shizu Sakai, professor of history of medicine, Juntendo University
June 4, 1998
Gentlemen and Science
Makoto Ono, professor of history, Aichi Prefectural University
May 29, 1998
Transition from the Natural Philosophy to Natural Science: On Argument between Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire and Cuvier
Osamu Kanamori, Assistant Professor of history of scientific thought, Tokyo University of Fisheries
December 12, 1997
Darwinism and the Cathoric Church
Fujii Kiyohisa, visiting fellow of the Institute for the Study of Christianity and Culture
October 3, 1997
Christian Origin of Science
Peter E. Hodgson, senior research fellow, nuclear physics, Corpus Christi College, Oxford
September 22, 1997
On the Right of Self-Determination of Death
Yoshihiko Komatsu, assistant professor of history of science, Tamagawa University
June 10, 1997
Philip Melanchton on Natural Philosophy
Sachiko Kusukawa, fellow and tutor, Christ’s College, Cambridge University
December 20, 1996
Science, Technology and Environmental Ethics
Shuichi Kito, professor of STS and Environmental Studies, Aomori Public College
November 15, 1996
Culture, Language and Technology
Manfred E. A. Schmutzer, Head of the Institute of Technology and Society, Technical University of Vienna
October 24, 1996
Evolutionism and Religion
Teruo Yokoyama, professor of history and philosophy of science, Nanzan University
October 15, 1996
Science and Technology: Foundation of a State, but a Field of Study Barely Elected
Kaoru Narisada, professor of science studies, Hiroshima University
September 24, 1996
Galileo, an Astrologer
Ichiro Tanaka, Professor of History of Science, Kanazawa University
February 19, 1996
Japan and the Nobel Science Prizes
James Bartholomew, research fellow, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the Univeristy of Tokyo
February 13, 1996
How Copernicus Reached the Heliocentric Theory
Kenichi Takahashi, professor of History of Science, Kyushu University
November 2, 1995
Renaissance Revisited
Yoichiro Murakami, professor of History of Science
October 27, 1995
Solar Science since Galileo
Karl Hufbauer, professor of History of Science, University of California, Irvine
May 15, 1995
Science and Christianity in History: Symposium Celebrating the Translation of God and Nature:
December 17, 1994 (Co-sponsored by the former ICU Research Center for History of Science)
Science and Christianity - In View of the European Enlightenment
Yoichiro Murakami, professor of History of Science, the University of Tokyo
Science and Christianity - Some Crucial Issues in Japan
Masao Watanabe, senior counsellor, ICU Research Center for History of Science/emeritus professor, the University of Tokyo