CGS Reading group Fall term 2018: Bad Feminist
Tuesday,September 4,2018Categories: Bookclub
Every term the Center for Gender Studies (CGS) at ICU hosts student-led reading groups in which we read together a book closely. Certain books may be difficult to read by ourselves, but when we read together it’s better. We can ask each other when we don't understand, and we can continue enjoying our reading together!
Roxane Gay, Bad Feminist: Essays. 2014, New York: Harper Perennial
Bad Feminist is a collection of essays by cultural critic, novelist and professor Roxane Gay. Her essays address the topics of gender and race through the analysis and critique of movies, novels, rap music, media, etc. In this reading group we will focus on essays on gender. I am still a student and I would like to read and discuss this book together with other people who share the same interests. Please bring your own copy of the book (Japanese translation and/or English original are fine).
Hosting date: Mondays at lunch time (12:40-13:50)
Starting from October 10th, Monday
Location: Center for Gender Studies, International Christian University ERB-1- 301
Coordinator: Nakajima Haruka (ICU student)