【CGS後援イベント】ロータリー特別平和セミナー "Ongoing Humanitarian Crisis in Israel-Gaza and ICRC"


ロータリー特別平和セミナー "Ongoing Humanitarian Crisis in Israel-Gaza and ICRC"
- 講師:  榛澤 祥子(はんざわ しょうこ)氏 / 赤十字国際委員会(ICRC)駐日代表
- 日時:  2023年10月31日 (火)   11:30~12:40 (3限)
- 言語:  英語
- 場所:  本館215教室
・LAW208 国際法 Iの授業の一部として実施されます。

Shoko Hanzawa joined the ICRC in 2019 and was appointed as Head of Delegation in Japan in 2023. Over her 10-year career in the humanitarian field, Hanzawa worked for different organizations, such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and Doctors without Borders. She also has professional experiences in foreign missions, including to Afghanistan, Israel and the occupied territories and Myanmar. She holds a Master's degree in International Affairs from Columbia University, USA.



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    【CGS後援イベント】ロータリー特別平和セミナー "Ongoing Humanitarian Crisis in Israel-Gaza and ICRC" ジェンダー研究センター  Jp sitemap  En sitemap