

カテゴリ: ,

Title: "Nagoya at a modern crossroads: exploring the city and culture of Nagoya through the Kome sōdō emaki"

日時:2018年2月24日(土)13:00 - 17:10
Time: 2018/2/24 (Sat.) 13:00 - 17:30

Place: A-206

In the summer of 1918 riots happened across Japan as the price of rice suddenly increased. For weeks huge riots took place in urban areas, including violent riots in Nagoya. An artist named Sakurai Seikō, who later worked as a curator at the Tokugawa Museum, made a handscroll that depicted the riots ("Kome sōdō emaki") and he later donated the handscroll to the museum. The handscroll depicts life in the city of Nagoya at a key point in the modern period, and it provides incredible details about daily life in Nagoya in 1918, as well as insights into how the local population responded to the police and Japanese military at the time. This interdisciplinary workshop about the "Kome sōdō emaki" will examine Japanese urban culture, including attitudes toward violence and political authority, before the Second World War.

13:00-13:10 開会挨拶および趣旨説明
菊池秀明(ICUアジア文化研究所所長)、Robert Eskildsen (Senior Associate Professor, ICU)

Robert Eskildsen (ICU)「米騒動絵巻ーその構造と意義ー」
Discussion (司会:菊池秀明)

13:55-14:50 ICU大学院生報告
Milo Barisof (Graduate Student, ICU)「Just Violence? Depictions of Violence in the Rice Riots Scroll Vis-à-vis Accounts of Violence in the Newspaper」
Yanagida Yoko (Graduate Student, ICU) 「The Depiction and Roles of Women in "Rice Riots Scroll"」
Michael Tercero (Graduate Student, ICU)「Manipulation of Space in the Rice Riots Scrolls」
Tanaka Netsuke (Graduate Student, ICU)「Machiya and the "Rice Riots Scroll"」
Discussion (司会:菊池秀明)


Miriam Wattles (Associate Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara)「Unrest in Japanese Arts and Media: From the standpoint of the Kome Sōdō Emaki (1950)」
Discussion (司会:Robert Eskildsen)

Discussion (司会:神谷浩(名古屋市立博物館副館長))


総合討論 (司会:Robert Eskildsen)

※Lecture by Japanese and English

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    ワークショップ「岐路に立つ近代名古屋:米騒動絵巻からみる都市と文化」 アジア文化研究所  Jp sitemap  En sitemap