AsianForum 147th "‘Pan-Arabism’ Revisited: Nation State and Arab Nationalism"
Tuesday,September 17,2013Categories: Asian Forum , Past Asian Forum (2013-2017)
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
14:00-15:00井堂有子 (Ido Yuko)Middle Eastern History, Graduate School of the University of Tokyo
「汎アラブ主義」を再考する: 国民国家とアラブ・ナショナリズム
(‘Pan-Arabism’ Revisited: Nation State and Arab Nationalism)The Middle East and North African region has currently been facing historical upheavals and crises. ‘Pan-Arabism’, or Arab Nationalism seeking for one state for one nation, was born and grew up in complicated historical contexts in the region and used to be compelling and powerful. In this presentation, I would like to reconsider its meaning and challenges within the current regional political transformation.
Lecture in Japanese