AsianForum 122th "The pleasure of grammar: A Hypermedia Dictionary of Japanese Grammar"
Tuesday,October 6,2009Categories: Asian Forum , Past Asian Forum (2008-2012)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Room 252, Diffendorfer Memorial Hall West Wing, ICUMarcella MARIOTTI (マルチェッラ マリオッティ)
日本学術振興会外国人特別研究員 (JSPS Post-Doc Research Fellow)
国際基督教大学アジア文化研究所 (Institute of Asian Cultural Studies, ICU)
“The pleasure of grammar: A Hypermedia Dictionary of Japanese Grammar”
(「文法の楽しみ – 日本語文法のハイパー辞典」)
Global mobility has transformed language learning in a lifelong task. The Common European Framework is representative of new needs in language teaching and learning. Teaching a language is no more limited to contents, but it expands into teaching “how to learn” and into offering tools for independent and creative learning. I shall present A Hypermedia Dictionary of Japanese Grammar: a project meant to involve the pleasure-related right-brain in grammar learning, so to lead to lifelong acquisition more than a temporary learning “for examinations only.”
Lecture in English