AsianForum 120th "Chosŏn Korea as Little China as Seen through the Sadae Kyorin Policy in the Seventeenth Century"
Tuesday,May 26,2009Categories: Asian Forum , Past Asian Forum (2008-2012)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Room 265, HonkanJeong-Mi Lee (李 正美)
Lecturer, Meiji Gakuin University
“Chosŏn Korea as Little China as Seen through the Sadae Kyorin Policy in the Seventeenth Century”
This presentation will analyze Chosŏn Korea’s diplomatic principle, sadae kyorin, which signified the tributary relations between the Ming and Qing dynasties and the neighbourly relationship with Tokugawa Japan. How sadae kyorin influenced Chosŏn Korea’s sochunghwa consciousness in the seventeenth century will be examined.
Lecture in English