『アジア文化研究』 38号 (2012年3月)



Linda L. Johnson Evangelists for Women's Education: The 'Civilizing Mission' of Tsuda Umeko and Alice M. Bacon[PDF]
Sally Hastings Mount Holyoke College: Teachers to Japan, Students from Japan[PDF]
Patricia Sippel Surviving Japanese Militarism: Canadian Educators at a Christian Girls' School[PDF]
Robert Eskildsen Suitable Ships and the Hard Work of Imperialism: Evaluating the Japanese Navy in the 1874 Invasion of Taiwan[PDF]
小泉 仰 (Koizumi Takashi) 西周の現代的意義 (The Significance of Nishi Amane, for Present-day Japan)[PDF]
姜 海守 (Kang Haesoo) 帝国日本の「道義国家」論と「公共性」―和辻哲郎と尾高朝雄を中心にー (The Empire of the Morality-Righteousness in Watsuji Tetsurō and Odaka Tomoo)[PDF]
Mika Obara Capital Punishment in Japan: Unpacking Key Actors at Governmental Level[PDF]
Barry D. Steben The Culture of Music and Ritual in Pre-Han Confucian Thought: Exalting the Power of Music in Human Life[PDF]
飯島良子 (Iijima Yoshiko) 後漢の鄧太后の学者集団による「校書」--『詩』生民と閟宮の「毛伝」にみる漢制― (The Palace Archives under Empress Dowager Deng in the Later Han: On the "Mao Annotation" to the Classics of Poetry Dealing with the Birth of Mankind)[PDF]
菊池秀明 (Kikuchi Hideaki) 太平天国の武昌占領とその影響 (An Analysis of the Taiping Army's Occupying Wuchang City, Hubei Province and its Influence in 1853)[PDF]
Arnel E. Joven Colonial Adaptations in Tropical Asia: Spanish Medicine in the Philippines in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries[PDF]
Li Yinghong Absences and Excesses in Cinematic Representations of Beijing[PDF]
大野ロベルト (Ōno Robert) イストワールからディスクールへ--平安期の歴史物語における語りの変容-- (FromHistoire to Discours: The Transformation of Narrative in Rekishi Monogatari during the Heian Period)[PDF]
Research Note
竹下和亮 (Takeshita Kazuaki) カルヴァンの語彙 (The Vocabulary of Calvin)[PDF]

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