アジアンフォーラム 121th "Global Shamanism in context: the Itako in Northeastern Japan and the Mikishi in Southeastern Democratic Republic of Congo"


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200962 火曜日
Room 203, 本館

Research Fellow, Institute of Asian Cultural Studies, ICU

"Global Shamanism in context:
the Itako in Northeastern Japan and the Mikishi in Southeastern Democratic Republic of Congo"
At a time when the world is much involved in development and computerized industrialization, many believe that ancient beliefs have either disappeared or only stick to developing countries. The case of the Itako and the Mikishi reveals how shamanism survives in different parts of the world and adapts to temporal evolutions. Shamanism carries all along centuries social representations of the humankind and builds up the main frame of folk cultures.


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    アジアンフォーラム 121th "Global Shamanism in context: the Itako in Northeastern Japan and the Mikishi in Southeastern Democratic Republic of Congo" アジア文化研究所  Jp sitemap  En sitemap