List of news
- 2020-10-12The 186th Asian Forum, "Ryukyuan Picture Book Project: Folklore Documentation in the Ryukyuan Languages of Okinoerabu, Tarama, Taketomi and Yonaguni Islands"
(Asian Forum 2020) - 2020-09-04NEWNotice of Opening
- 2020-08-07New Book
- 2020-06-17Call for Papers
(News) - 2020-06-02The 185th Asian Forum ”Listening to Voices from the Ryukyus: A Friendly Dialogue with Miyakoan Singer Isamu Shimoji”
(Asian Forum 2020)
(Event Day:2020/06/09) - 2020-05-27EndedAsian Forum No.184 “Fighting an Epidemic: Lessons from the Japanese Cultural History”
(Asian Forum 2020) - 2020-04-03Asian Cultural Studies, Vol.46 (March 2020)
((Journal) Vol.41 -) - 2020-04-01IACS Office will be CLOSED (2020/04/01~)
- 2020-03-10IACS Office will be CLOSED (2020/03/23-2020/3/30)
- 2020-01-17EndedAsian Forum No.183 "Traces of Ki no Tsurayuki in Japanese Literature"
(Asian Forum)